878 B
878 B
Smooth chunks
This is a fork of flogic's mod (although code bases have nothing in common)
What is this?
This is a mod that adds animations of currently loading chunks. This makes chunk loading generally seem much more pleasant than them appearing out of thin air. There are multiple built-in animations and ease types, and if this isnt't enough, there's an API which will allow you to add your own animations and eases (with ease)
Generally, this is what you'd call an "eye-candy" mod.
Currently supported animations:
- Rise
- Fall
- Scale
Currently supported interpolation types:
- Linear
- Sine
- Quadratic
- Elastic
Future plans:
In the future, I plan to extend the scope of this mod to not only smoothen the chunk loading, but entity spawning / despawning / dying, liquid flowing, crops growing, etc.