v0.7.0-alpha Stable
released this
2023-12-26 12:22:48 +00:00 | 377 commits to master since this releaseModules update
In this update, module support has been added, as well as some improvements of the filesystem API and the addition of some stdlib functions. This update also fixes a lot of bugs, including the try-catch system (it never ends, does it?)
Detailed changelog:
- implement some stdlib functions #11 (TopchetoEU)
- create memory-light directory list file #11 (TopchetoEU)
- implement basic module system #11 (TopchetoEU)
Bug Fixes
- make .gitignore more restrictive #11 (TopchetoEU)
- use correct env declarations in bootstrap.js #11 (TopchetoEU)
- change default return type to void for generators #11 (TopchetoEU)
- never-ending try-catch issues #11 (TopchetoEU)
- some stupid mistakes in FS #11 (TopchetoEU)
- error now is not null-prototyped #11 (TopchetoEU)
- some config files cleanup #11 (TopchetoEU)
- remove major mistakes in README #11 (TopchetoEU)
- don't include ts's code in repo anymore #11 (TopchetoEU)
- correctly convert virtual to real path #11 (TopchetoEU)
- environment pushed when it shouldn't be #11 (TopchetoEU)
- some bug fixes and improvements with File interface #11 (TopchetoEU)
- improve path resolutions and FS API #11 (TopchetoEU)
- losts of FS API improvements #11 (TopchetoEU)
- make code java 11 compatible (TopchetoEU)
Code Refactoring
- replace all CRLF with LF #11 (TopchetoEU)
- improve Engine API #11 (TopchetoEU)
- fix code to not result in compile warning #11 (TopchetoEU)
- minify typescript code (TopchetoEU)
- Source Code (ZIP)
- Source Code (TAR.GZ)
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