v0.4.0-alpha Stable
released this
2023-11-05 18:34:05 +00:00 | 465 commits to master since this releaseTypescript update
This update adds typescript natively to the engine. This is accompanied by a lot of engine bug fixes, to allow typescript to work as expected. Typescript support is still not seamless, in some places, javascript code can still be seen - the debugger and stack traces, but mapping is a planned feature.
- implement Array.reduce #8 (TopchetoEU)
- write some tests #8 (TopchetoEU)
- send value stack to debug client #8 (TopchetoEU)
- include typescript code in source code #8 (TopchetoEU)
Bug Fixes
- a lot of minor bugs (TopchetoEU)
- various small behavioural issues #8 (TopchetoEU)
- messages larger than 64KB are now fragmented properly #8 (TopchetoEU)
- oops #8 (TopchetoEU)
- several bug fixes to help with typescript support #8 (TopchetoEU)
- several small fixes #8 (TopchetoEU)
- lazy operators incorrectly pop values from stack #8 (TopchetoEU)
- several more fixes #8 (TopchetoEU)
- remove some unnececeary logs #8 (TopchetoEU)
Code Refactoring
- make filenames more consistent #8 (TopchetoEU)
- remove typescript source code from repo (for now) #8 (TopchetoEU)
- some code restructuring in the debugging #8 (TopchetoEU)
- fix some bad code >:( #8 (TopchetoEU)
- Source Code (ZIP)
- Source Code (TAR.GZ)
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