Optimize var flattening #27

TopchetoEU merged 2 commits from TopchetoEU/optimize-var-flatten into master 2024-09-05 19:32:48 +00:00
TopchetoEU commented 2024-09-05 18:31:08 +00:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Optimizes the runtime layout of variables, so that:

  • Uncaptured variables get put in an array of values in the frame of the so-called "simple locals"
  • Captured variables get put in an array of single element arrays of the so-called "capturable locals"
  • Uncaptured variables from neighboring scpoes overlap in the runtime, to reduce the overall amount of variables used
Optimizes the runtime layout of variables, so that: - Uncaptured variables get put in an array of values in the frame of the so-called "simple locals" - Captured variables get put in an array of single element arrays of the so-called "capturable locals" - Uncaptured variables from neighboring scpoes overlap in the runtime, to reduce the overall amount of variables used
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