This documentation is for LuaJIT 2.0.5. Please check the doc directory in each git branch for the version-specific documentation.
The currently developed branches are LuaJIT 2.1 and LuaJIT 2.0.
LuaJIT 2.0 is in feature-freeze — new features will only be added to LuaJIT 2.1.
Current Status
LuaJIT ought to run all Lua 5.1-compatible source code just fine. It's considered a serious bug if the VM crashes or produces unexpected results — please report this.
Known incompatibilities and issues in LuaJIT 2.0:
- There are some differences in implementation-defined behavior. These either have a good reason, are arbitrary design choices or are due to quirks in the VM. The latter cases may get fixed if a demonstrable need is shown.
- The Lua debug API is missing a couple of features (return hooks for non-Lua functions) and shows slightly different behavior in LuaJIT (no per-coroutine hooks, no tail call counting).
- Currently some out-of-memory errors from on-trace code are not handled correctly. The error may fall through an on-trace pcall or it may be passed on to the function set with lua_atpanic on x64.