
The LuaJIT 1.x series represents the current stable branch. Only a single bug has been discovered in the last three years. So, if you need a rock-solid VM, you are encouraged to fetch the latest release of LuaJIT 1.x from the » Download page.

LuaJIT 2.0 is the currently active development branch. It still has Beta Test status, but it's not undergoing substantial changes anymore. It has » much better performance than LuaJIT 1.x. It's nearly feature-complete, so you should definitely start to evaluate it for new projects right now.

Current Status

This is a list of the things you should know about the LuaJIT 2.0 beta test:


Please refer to the » LuaJIT Roadmap 2012/2013 for the latest release plan. Here's the general project plan for LuaJIT 2.0: