58 lines
1.7 KiB
58 lines
1.7 KiB
local unpack = unpack or table.unpack;
--- @class functions
local functions = {};
functions.__index = functions;
--- Constructs a function, such that it calls the first function with the passed arguments,
--- the second function with the return of the first, and so on. The return value of the last function is returned
--- In short, does the following, if the passed functions are a, b and c: return c(b(a(...)))
--- Sometimes less cumbersome to write (a | b | c | d)(args...) than d(c(b(a(args...))))
--- @param self function
function functions:pipe(...)
if ... == nil then
return self;
local next = ...;
return functions.pipe(function (...)
return next(self(...));
end, select(2, ...));
function functions:apply(args)
return self(unpack(args));
--- Constructs a function, such that it calls the first function with the passed arguments,
--- the second function with the return of the first, and so on. The return value of the last function is returned
--- In short, does the following, if the passed functions are a, b and c: return c(b(a(...)))
--- Sometimes less cumbersome to write (a | b | c | d)(args...) than d(c(b(a(args...))))
--- @param self function
function functions:pcall(...)
return pcall(self, ...);
--- Calls pipe with a and b; Alternative syntax for older Lua installation
function functions.__sub(a, b)
return functions.pipe(a, b);
--- Calls pipe with a and b
function functions.__bor(a, b)
return functions.pipe(a, b);
return function (glob)
-- It's not vital to have this metatable, so we will just try our very best
if debug then
debug.setmetatable(debug.setmetatable, functions);
glob.functions = functions;
glob["function"] = functions;