return function (glob) function return { n = select("#", ...), ... }; end function glob.unbox(obj, s, e) return unpack(obj, s or 1, e or obj.n); end function glob.rebox(obj, s, e) return box(unpack(obj, s or 1, e or obj.n)); end function glob.exit() os.exit(0); end function glob.str(...) return table.concat { ... }; end function glob.iterate(obj) local i = 0; return function() i = i + 1; return obj[i]; end end --- Prepares the object to be a class - puts an __index member in it pointing to the object itself --- @generic T --- @param obj T --- @return T | { __index: T } function glob.class(obj) --- @diagnostic disable-next-line: inject-field obj.__index = obj; return obj; end function glob.try(try_fn, catch_fn, finally_fn) if not try_fn then if finally_fn then return finally_fn(); end else local function handle_catch(...) if finally_fn then finally_fn(); end return ...; end local function handle_try(ok, ...) if ok then if finally_fn then finally_fn(); end return ...; else if catch_fn then return handle_catch(catch_fn(...)); elseif finally_fn then return finally_fn(); end end end return handle_try(pcall(try_fn)); end end end