33 lines
1.6 KiB
33 lines
1.6 KiB
define("values/symbol", () => {
var Symbol = env.global.Symbol = function(this: any, val?: string) {
if (this !== undefined && this !== null) throw new TypeError("Symbol may not be called with 'new'.");
if (typeof val !== 'string' && val !== undefined) throw new TypeError('val must be a string or undefined.');
return env.internals.symbol(val, true);
} as SymbolConstructor;
Symbol.prototype = env.internals.symbolProto;
setConstr(Symbol.prototype, Symbol, env);
(Symbol as any).typeName = Symbol("Symbol.name");
(Symbol as any).replace = Symbol('Symbol.replace');
(Symbol as any).match = Symbol('Symbol.match');
(Symbol as any).matchAll = Symbol('Symbol.matchAll');
(Symbol as any).split = Symbol('Symbol.split');
(Symbol as any).search = Symbol('Symbol.search');
(Symbol as any).iterator = Symbol('Symbol.iterator');
(Symbol as any).asyncIterator = Symbol('Symbol.asyncIterator');
setProps(Symbol, env, {
for(key) {
if (typeof key !== 'string' && key !== undefined) throw new TypeError('key must be a string or undefined.');
return env.internals.symbol(key, false);
keyFor(sym) {
if (typeof sym !== 'symbol') throw new TypeError('sym must be a symbol.');
return env.internals.symStr(sym);
typeName: Symbol('Symbol.name') as any,
env.global.Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, Symbol.typeName, { value: 'Object' });
env.global.Object.defineProperty(env.global, Symbol.typeName, { value: 'Window' });
}); |