235 lines
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235 lines
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interface Object {
constructor: NewableFunction;
[Symbol.typeName]: string;
valueOf(): this;
toString(): string;
hasOwnProperty(key: any): boolean;
interface ObjectConstructor extends Function {
(arg: string): String;
(arg: number): Number;
(arg: boolean): Boolean;
(arg?: undefined | null): {};
<T extends object>(arg: T): T;
new (arg: string): String;
new (arg: number): Number;
new (arg: boolean): Boolean;
new (arg?: undefined | null): {};
new <T extends object>(arg: T): T;
prototype: Object;
assign<T extends object>(target: T, ...src: object[]): T;
create<T extends object>(proto: T, props?: { [key: string]: PropertyDescriptor<any, T> }): T;
keys<T extends object>(obj: T, onlyString?: true): (keyof T)[];
keys<T extends object>(obj: T, onlyString: false): any[];
entries<T extends object>(obj: T, onlyString?: true): [keyof T, T[keyof T]][];
entries<T extends object>(obj: T, onlyString: false): [any, any][];
values<T extends object>(obj: T, onlyString?: true): (T[keyof T])[];
values<T extends object>(obj: T, onlyString: false): any[];
fromEntries(entries: Iterable<[any, any]>): object;
defineProperty<T, ThisT extends object>(obj: ThisT, key: any, desc: PropertyDescriptor<T, ThisT>): ThisT;
defineProperties<ThisT extends object>(obj: ThisT, desc: { [key: string]: PropertyDescriptor<any, ThisT> }): ThisT;
getOwnPropertyNames<T extends object>(obj: T): (keyof T)[];
getOwnPropertySymbols<T extends object>(obj: T): (keyof T)[];
hasOwn<T extends object, KeyT>(obj: T, key: KeyT): boolean;
getOwnPropertyDescriptor<T extends object, KeyT extends keyof T>(obj: T, key: KeyT): PropertyDescriptor<T[KeyT], T>;
getOwnPropertyDescriptors<T extends object>(obj: T): { [x in keyof T]: PropertyDescriptor<T[x], T> };
getPrototypeOf(obj: any): object | null;
setPrototypeOf<T>(obj: T, proto: object | null): T;
preventExtensions<T extends object>(obj: T): T;
seal<T extends object>(obj: T): T;
freeze<T extends object>(obj: T): T;
isExtensible(obj: object): boolean;
isSealed(obj: object): boolean;
isFrozen(obj: object): boolean;
declare var Object: ObjectConstructor;
gt.Object = function(arg: any) {
if (arg === undefined || arg === null) return {};
else if (typeof arg === 'boolean') return new Boolean(arg);
else if (typeof arg === 'number') return new Number(arg);
else if (typeof arg === 'string') return new String(arg);
return arg;
} as ObjectConstructor;
Object.prototype = ({} as any).__proto__ as Object;
setConstr(Object.prototype, Object as any);
function throwNotObject(obj: any, name: string) {
if (obj === null || typeof obj !== 'object' && typeof obj !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError(`Object.${name} may only be used for objects.`);
function check(obj: any) {
return typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null || typeof obj === 'function';
setProps(Object, {
assign: function(dst, ...src) {
throwNotObject(dst, 'assign');
for (let i = 0; i < src.length; i++) {
const obj = src[i];
throwNotObject(obj, 'assign');
for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) {
(dst as any)[key] = (obj as any)[key];
return dst;
create(obj, props) {
props ??= {};
return Object.defineProperties({ __proto__: obj }, props as any) as any;
defineProperty(obj, key, attrib) {
throwNotObject(obj, 'defineProperty');
if (typeof attrib !== 'object') throw new TypeError('Expected attributes to be an object.');
if ('value' in attrib) {
if ('get' in attrib || 'set' in attrib) throw new TypeError('Cannot specify a value and accessors for a property.');
if (!internals.defineField(
obj, key,
)) throw new TypeError('Can\'t define property \'' + key + '\'.');
else {
if (typeof attrib.get !== 'function' && attrib.get !== undefined) throw new TypeError('Get accessor must be a function.');
if (typeof attrib.set !== 'function' && attrib.set !== undefined) throw new TypeError('Set accessor must be a function.');
if (!internals.defineProp(
obj, key,
)) throw new TypeError('Can\'t define property \'' + key + '\'.');
return obj;
defineProperties(obj, attrib) {
throwNotObject(obj, 'defineProperties');
if (typeof attrib !== 'object' && typeof attrib !== 'function') throw 'Expected second argument to be an object.';
for (var key in attrib) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, key, attrib[key]);
return obj;
keys(obj, onlyString) {
onlyString = !!(onlyString ?? true);
return internals.keys(obj, onlyString);
entries(obj, onlyString) {
return Object.keys(obj, onlyString).map(v => [ v, (obj as any)[v] ]);
values(obj, onlyString) {
return Object.keys(obj, onlyString).map(v => (obj as any)[v]);
getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) {
return internals.ownProp(obj, key);
getOwnPropertyDescriptors(obj) {
return Object.fromEntries([
].map(v => [ v, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, v) ])) as any;
getOwnPropertyNames(obj) {
return internals.ownPropKeys(obj, false);
getOwnPropertySymbols(obj) {
return internals.ownPropKeys(obj, true);
hasOwn(obj, key) {
if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).includes(key)) return true;
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(obj).includes(key)) return true;
return false;
getPrototypeOf(obj) {
return obj.__proto__;
setPrototypeOf(obj, proto) {
(obj as any).__proto__ = proto;
return obj;
fromEntries(iterable) {
const res = {} as any;
for (const el of iterable) {
res[el[0]] = el[1];
return res;
preventExtensions(obj) {
throwNotObject(obj, 'preventExtensions');
return obj;
seal(obj) {
throwNotObject(obj, 'seal');
return obj;
freeze(obj) {
throwNotObject(obj, 'freeze');
return obj;
isExtensible(obj) {
if (!check(obj)) return false;
return internals.extensible(obj);
isSealed(obj) {
if (!check(obj)) return true;
if (Object.isExtensible(obj)) return false;
return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).every(v => !Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, v).configurable);
isFrozen(obj) {
if (!check(obj)) return true;
if (Object.isExtensible(obj)) return false;
return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).every(v => {
var prop = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, v);
if ('writable' in prop && prop.writable) return false;
return !prop.configurable;
setProps(Object.prototype, {
valueOf() {
return this;
toString() {
return '[object ' + (this[Symbol.typeName] ?? 'Unknown') + ']';
hasOwnProperty(key) {
return Object.hasOwn(this, key);