import { func, string, symbol } from "./primordials.ts"; export const valueKey: unique symbol = symbol.makeSymbol("Primitive.value") as any; export namespace symbols { export const asyncIterator: unique symbol = symbol.makeSymbol("Symbol.asyncIterator") as any; export const iterator: unique symbol = symbol.makeSymbol("Symbol.iterator") as any; export const match: unique symbol = symbol.makeSymbol("Symbol.match") as any; export const matchAll: unique symbol = symbol.makeSymbol("Symbol.matchAll") as any; export const replace: unique symbol = symbol.makeSymbol("Symbol.replace") as any; export const search: unique symbol = symbol.makeSymbol("") as any; export const split: unique symbol = symbol.makeSymbol("Symbol.split") as any; export const toStringTag: unique symbol = symbol.makeSymbol("Symbol.toStringTag") as any; export const isConcatSpreadable: unique symbol = symbol.makeSymbol("Symbol.isConcatSpreadable") as any; } export interface TypeMap { undefined: undefined; boolean: boolean; string: string; number: number; symbol: symbol; object: null | object; function: Function; } export function unwrapThis(self: any, type: T, constr: Function, name: string, arg = "this", defaultVal?: TypeMap[T]): TypeMap[T] { if (typeof self === type) return self; if (self instanceof constr && valueKey in self) self = (self as any)[valueKey]; if (typeof self === type) return self; if (defaultVal !== undefined) return defaultVal; throw new TypeError(name + " requires that '" + arg + "' be a " +; } export function wrapI(i: number, length: number) { if (i < 0) return (i + length) | 0; else return i | 0; } export function limitI(i: number, max: number) { i |= 0; if (i < 0) return 0; else if (i > max) return max; else return i; } export type ReplaceRange = { start: number; end: number; matches: string[]; groups?: Record; }; type ReplaceLiteral = (string | ((_: { groups: string[]; prev: () => string; next: () => string; }) => string))[]; function parseReplacer(replacer: string, groupN: number) { const parts: ReplaceLiteral = []; let lastI = 0; let lastSlice = 0; while (true) { const i = string.indexOf(replacer, "$", lastI); if (i < 0 || i + 1 >= replacer.length) break; lastI = i + 1; switch (replacer[i + 1]) { case "$": parts[parts.length] = string.substring(replacer, lastSlice, i); parts[parts.length] = "$"; lastSlice = i + 2; continue; case "&": parts[parts.length] = string.substring(replacer, lastSlice, i); parts[parts.length] = ({ groups }) => groups[0]; lastSlice = i + 2; continue; case "`": parts[parts.length] = string.substring(replacer, lastSlice, i); parts[parts.length] = ({ prev }) => prev(); lastSlice = i + 2; continue; case "'": parts[parts.length] = string.substring(replacer, lastSlice, i); parts[parts.length] = ({ next }) => next(); lastSlice = i + 2; continue; } let groupI = 0; let hasGroup = false; let consumedN = 1; while (i + consumedN < replacer.length) { const code = string.toCharCode(replacer[i + consumedN]); if (code >= 48 && code <= 57) { const newGroupI = groupI * 10 + code - 48; if (newGroupI < 1 || newGroupI >= groupN) break; groupI = newGroupI; hasGroup = true; } consumedN++; } if (hasGroup) { parts[parts.length] = string.substring(replacer, lastSlice, i); parts[parts.length] = ({ groups }) => groups[groupI]; lastSlice = i + consumedN; continue; } } if (lastSlice === 0) return [replacer]; else parts[parts.length] = string.substring(replacer, lastSlice, replacer.length); return parts; } function executeReplacer(text: string, match: ReplaceRange, literal: ReplaceLiteral, prevEnd?: number, nextStart?: number) { const res = []; for (let i = 0; i < literal.length; i++) { const curr = literal[i]; if (typeof curr === "function") res[i] = curr({ groups: match.matches, next: () => string.substring(text, prevEnd ?? 0, match.start), prev: () => string.substring(text, match.end, nextStart ?? 0), }); else res[i] = curr; } return string.stringBuild(res); } export function applyReplaces(text: string, ranges: ReplaceRange[], replace: any, groupN?: number | false) { if (ranges.length === 0) return text; const res: string[] = []; let offset = 0; if (groupN !== false && typeof replace === "string") { if (groupN == null) { for (let i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) { const prevEnd = i - 1 >= 0 ? ranges[i - 1].end : undefined; const nextStart = i + 1 < ranges.length ? ranges[i + 1].start : undefined; const range = ranges[i]; res[res.length] = string.substring(text, offset, range.start); res[res.length] = executeReplacer(text, range, parseReplacer(replace, range.matches.length), prevEnd, nextStart); offset = range.end; } res[res.length] = string.substring(text, offset, text.length); } else { const literal = parseReplacer(replace, groupN); for (let i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) { const prevEnd = i - 1 >= 0 ? ranges[i - 1].end : undefined; const nextStart = i + 1 < ranges.length ? ranges[i + 1].start : undefined; const range = ranges[i]; res[res.length] = string.substring(text, offset, range.start); res[res.length] = executeReplacer(text, range, literal, prevEnd, nextStart); offset = range.end; } res[res.length] = string.substring(text, offset, text.length); } return string.stringBuild(res); } if (typeof replace === "string") { for (let i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) { const range = ranges[i]; res[res.length] = string.substring(text, offset, range.start); res[res.length] = replace; offset = range.end; } res[res.length] = string.substring(text, offset, text.length); } else { for (let i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) { const range = ranges[i]; const args: any[] = range.matches; args[args.length] = range.start; args[args.length] = text; args[args.length] = range.groups; res[res.length] = string.substring(text, offset, range.start); res[res.length] = func.invoke(replace, undefined, args); offset = range.end; } res[res.length] = string.substring(text, offset, text.length); } return string.stringBuild(res); } export function applySplits(text: string, limit: number | undefined, next: (offset: number) => { start: number; end: number; } | undefined) { let lastEnd = 0; let lastEmpty = true; let offset = 0; const res: string[] = []; while (true) { if (limit != null && res.length >= limit) break; const curr = next(offset); if (curr == null) { if (!lastEmpty) res[res.length] = string.substring(text, lastEnd, text.length); break; } const { start, end } = curr; const empty = start === end; if (offset > 0 || !empty) res[res.length] = string.substring(text, lastEnd, start); lastEnd = end; offset = empty ? end + 1 : end; lastEmpty = empty; } return res; }