refactor: use classes in index.js

This commit is contained in:
TopchetoEU 2024-09-19 18:11:42 +03:00
parent 077e8afff7
commit d7b50fa45b
Signed by: topchetoeu
GPG Key ID: 6531B8583E5F6ED4
2 changed files with 296 additions and 265 deletions

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@ -254,11 +254,6 @@ public class SimpleRepl {
res.defineOwnMember(env, "parse", new NativeFunction(args -> {
return JSONConverter.toJs(JSON.parse(null, args.get(0).toString(env)));
res.defineOwnMember(env, "setConstructable", new NativeFunction(args -> {
var func = (FunctionValue)args.get(0);
func.enableNew = args.get(1).toBoolean();
return Value.UNDEFINED;
res.defineOwnMember(env, "invokeType", new NativeFunction(args -> {
if (((ArgumentsValue)args.get(0)).frame.isNew) return StringValue.of("new");
else return StringValue.of("call");

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// return;
const target = arguments[0];
const primordials = arguments[1];
@ -60,8 +60,7 @@ const undefined = ({}).definitelyDefined;
target.undefined = undefined;
const unwrapThis = (self, type, constr, name, arg, defaultVal) => {
if (arg == null) arg = "this";
const unwrapThis = (self, type, constr, name, arg = "this", defaultVal) => {
if (typeof self === type) return self;
if (self instanceof constr && valueKey in self) self = self[valueKey];
if (typeof self === type) return self;
@ -72,14 +71,31 @@ const unwrapThis = (self, type, constr, name, arg, defaultVal) => {
const wrapIndex = (i, len) => {};
const Symbol = (name = "") => symbol.makeSymbol(name);
class Symbol {
get description() {
return symbol.getSymbolDescriptor(unwrapThis(this, "symbol", Symbol, "Symbol.prototype.description"));
toString() {
return "Symbol(" + unwrapThis(this, "symbol", Symbol, "Symbol.prototype.toString").description + ")";
valueOf() {
return unwrapThis(this, "symbol", Symbol, "Symbol.prototype.valueOf");
defineField(Symbol, "for", true, false, true, function(name) {
return symbol.getSymbol(name + "");
defineField(Symbol, "keyFor", true, false, true, function(value) {
return symbol.getSymbolKey(unwrapThis(value, "symbol", Symbol, "Symbol.keyFor"));
constructor(name = "") {
return symbol.makeSymbol(name);
static for(name) {
return symbol.getSymbol(name + "");
static keyFor(value) {
return symbol.getSymbolKey(unwrapThis(value, "symbol", Symbol, "Symbol.keyFor"));
setCallable(Symbol, true);
setConstructable(Symbol, false);
defineField(Symbol, "asyncIterator", false, false, false, Symbol("Symbol.asyncIterator"));
defineField(Symbol, "iterator", false, false, false, Symbol("Symbol.iterator"));
@ -89,61 +105,60 @@ defineField(Symbol, "replace", false, false, false, Symbol("Symbol.replace"));
defineField(Symbol, "search", false, false, false, Symbol(""));
defineField(Symbol, "split", false, false, false, Symbol("Symbol.split"));
defineField(Symbol, "toStringTag", false, false, false, Symbol("Symbol.toStringTag"));
defineField(Symbol, "prototype", false, false, false, {});
defineProperty(Symbol.prototype, "description", false, true, function () {
return symbol.getSymbolDescription(unwrapThis(this, "symbol", Symbol, "Symbol.prototype.description"));
}, undefined);
defineField(Symbol.prototype, "toString", true, false, true, function() {
return "Symbol(" + unwrapThis(this, "symbol", Symbol, "Symbol.prototype.toString").description + ")";
defineField(Symbol.prototype, "valueOf", true, false, true, function() {
return unwrapThis(this, "symbol", Symbol, "Symbol.prototype.valueOf");
target.Symbol = Symbol;
const Number = function(value) {
if (invokeType(arguments) === "call") {
if (arguments.length === 0) return 0;
else return +value;
class Number {
toString() {
return "" + unwrapThis(this, "number", Number, "Number.prototype.toString");
valueOf() {
return unwrapThis(this, "number", Number, "Number.prototype.toString");
this[valueKey] = target.Number(value);
constructor(value) {
if (invokeType(arguments) === "call") {
if (arguments.length === 0) return 0;
else return +value;
defineField(Number, "isFinite", true, false, true, function(value) {
value = unwrapThis(value, "number", Number, "Number.isFinite", "value", undefined);
this[valueKey] = target.Number(value);
if (value === undefined || value !== value) return false;
if (value === Infinity || value === -Infinity) return false;
static isFinite(value) {
value = unwrapThis(value, "number", Number, "Number.isFinite", "value", undefined);
return true;
defineField(Number, "isInteger", true, false, true, function(value) {
value = unwrapThis(value, "number", Number, "Number.isInteger", "value", undefined);
if (value === undefined) return false;
return number.parseInt(value) === value;
defineField(Number, "isNaN", true, false, true, function(value) {
return number.isNaN(value);
defineField(Number, "isSafeInteger", true, false, true, function(value) {
value = unwrapThis(value, "number", Number, "Number.isSafeInteger", "value", undefined);
if (value === undefined || number.parseInt(value) !== value) return false;
return value >= -9007199254740991 && value <= 9007199254740991;
defineField(Number, "parseFloat", true, false, true, function(value) {
value = 0 + value;
return number.parseFloat(value);
defineField(Number, "parseInt", true, false, true, function(value, radix) {
value = 0 + value;
radix = +radix;
if (number.isNaN(radix)) radix = 10;
if (value === undefined || value !== value) return false;
if (value === Infinity || value === -Infinity) return false;
return number.parseInt(value, radix);
return true;
static isInteger(value) {
value = unwrapThis(value, "number", Number, "Number.isInteger", "value", undefined);
if (value === undefined) return false;
return number.parseInt(value) === value;
static isNaN(value) {
return number.isNaN(value);
static isSafeInteger(value) {
value = unwrapThis(value, "number", Number, "Number.isSafeInteger", "value", undefined);
if (value === undefined || number.parseInt(value) !== value) return false;
return value >= -9007199254740991 && value <= 9007199254740991;
static parseFloat(value) {
value = 0 + value;
return number.parseFloat(value);
static parseInt(value, radix) {
value = 0 + value;
radix = +radix;
if (number.isNaN(radix)) radix = 10;
return number.parseInt(value, radix);
defineField(Number, "EPSILON", false, false, false, 2.220446049250313e-16);
defineField(Number, "MIN_SAFE_INTEGER", false, false, false, -9007199254740991);
@ -153,267 +168,288 @@ defineField(Number, "NEGATIVE_INFINITY", false, false, false, -number.Infinity);
defineField(Number, "NaN", false, false, false, number.NaN);
defineField(Number, "MAX_VALUE", false, false, false, 1.7976931348623157e+308);
defineField(Number, "MIN_VALUE", false, false, false, 5e-324);
defineField(Number, "prototype", false, false, false, {});
defineField(Number.prototype, "toString", true, false, true);
defineField(Number.prototype, "toString", true, false, true, function() {
return "" + unwrapThis(this, "number", Number, "Number.prototype.toString");
defineField(Number.prototype, "valueOf", true, false, true, function() {
return unwrapThis(this, "number", Number, "Number.prototype.toString");
setCallable(Number, true);
target.Number = Number;
target.parseInt = Number.parseInt;
target.parseFloat = Number.parseFloat;
target.NaN = Number.NaN;
target.Infinity = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
const String = function(value) {
if (invokeType(arguments) === "call") {
if (arguments.length === 0) return "";
else return value + "";
class String {
at(index) {
throw "Not implemented :/";
return unwrapThis(this, "string", String, "")[index];
toString() {
return unwrapThis(this, "string", String, "String.prototype.toString");
valueOf() {
return unwrapThis(this, "string", String, "String.prototype.valueOf");
this[valueKey] = String(value);
constructor(value) {
if (invokeType(arguments) === "call") {
if (arguments.length === 0) return "";
else return value + "";
defineField(String, "fromCharCode", true, false, true, function() {
const res = [];
res[arguments.length] = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
res[i] = fromCharCode(+arguments[i]);
this[valueKey] = String(value);
return stringBuild(res);
defineField(String, "fromCodePoint", true, false, true, function() {
const res = [];
res[arguments.length] = 0;
static fromCharCode() {
const res = [];
res[arguments.length] = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
res[i] = fromCodePoint(+arguments[i]);
for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
res[i] = fromCharCode(+arguments[i]);
return stringBuild(res);
static fromCodePoint() {
const res = [];
res[arguments.length] = 0;
return stringBuild(res);
for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
res[i] = fromCodePoint(+arguments[i]);
defineField(String, "prototype", false, false, false, {});
defineField(String.prototype, "at", true, false, true, function(index) {
throw "Not implemented :/";
return unwrapThis(this, "string", String, "")[index];
defineField(String.prototype, "toString", true, false, true, function() {
return unwrapThis(this, "string", String, "String.prototype.toString");
defineField(String.prototype, "valueOf", true, false, true, function() {
return unwrapThis(this, "string", String, "String.prototype.valueOf");
return stringBuild(res);
setCallable(String, true);
target.String = String;
const Boolean = function(value) {
if (invokeType(arguments) === "call") {
if (arguments.length === 0) return false;
else return !!value;
class Boolean {
toString() {
return "" + unwrapThis(this, "boolean", Boolean, "Boolean.prototype.toString");
valueOf() {
return unwrapThis(this, "boolean", Boolean, "Boolean.prototype.valueOf");
this[valueKey] = Boolean(value);
constructor(value) {
if (invokeType(arguments) === "call") {
if (arguments.length === 0) return false;
else return !!value;
defineField(Boolean, "prototype", false, false, false, {});
defineField(Boolean.prototype, "toString", true, false, true, function() {
return "" + unwrapThis(this, "boolean", Boolean, "Boolean.prototype.toString");
defineField(Boolean.prototype, "valueOf", true, false, true, function() {
return unwrapThis(this, "boolean", Boolean, "Boolean.prototype.valueOf");
this[valueKey] = Boolean(value);
setCallable(Boolean, true);
target.Boolean = Boolean;
const Object = function(value) {
if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) return value;
class Object {
toString() {
if (this !== null && this !== undefined && (Symbol.toStringTag in this)) return "[object " + this[Symbol.toStringTag] + "]";
else if (typeof this === "number" || this instanceof Number) return "[object Number]";
else if (typeof this === "symbol" || this instanceof Symbol) return "[object Symbol]";
else if (typeof this === "string" || this instanceof String) return "[object String]";
else if (typeof this === "boolean" || this instanceof Boolean) return "[object Boolean]";
else if (typeof this === "function") return "[object Function]";
else return "[object Object]";
valueOf() {
return this;
if (typeof value === 'string') return new String(value);
if (typeof value === 'number') return new Number(value);
if (typeof value === 'boolean') return new Boolean(value);
if (typeof value === 'symbol') {
const res = {};
setPrototype(res, Symbol.prototype);
res[valueKey] = value;
constructor(value) {
if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) return value;
if (typeof value === 'string') return new String(value);
if (typeof value === 'number') return new Number(value);
if (typeof value === 'boolean') return new Boolean(value);
if (typeof value === 'symbol') {
const res = {};
setPrototype(res, Symbol.prototype);
res[valueKey] = value;
return res;
const target = this;
// TODO: use as proto
if (target == null || typeof target !== 'object') target = {};
this[valueKey] = Object(value);
static defineProperty(obj, key, desc) {
if (typeof obj !== "object" || obj === null) {
print(typeof obj);
throw new TypeError("Object.defineProperty called on non-object");
if (typeof desc !== "object" || desc === null) throw new TypeError("Property description must be an object: " + desc);
if ("get" in desc || "set" in desc) {
let get = desc.get, set = desc.set;
print(typeof get);
if (get !== undefined && typeof get !== "function") throw new TypeError("Getter must be a function: " + get);
if (set !== undefined && typeof set !== "function") throw new TypeError("Setter must be a function: " + set);
if ("value" in desc || "writable" in desc) {
throw new TypeError("Invalid property descriptor. Cannot both specify accessors and a value or writable attribute");
if (!defineProperty(obj, key, desc.enumerable, desc.configurable, get, set)) {
throw new TypeError("Cannot redefine property: " + key);
else if (!defineField(obj, key, desc.writable, desc.enumerable, desc.configurable, desc.value)) {
throw new TypeError("Cannot redefine property: " + key);
return obj;
setCallable(Object, true);
setPrototype(Object.prototype, null);
target.Object = Object;
class Function {
toString() {
if ( !== "") return "function " + + "(...) { ... }";
else return "function (...) { ... }";
constructor() {
const parts = ["return function annonymous("];
for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length - 1; i++) {
if (i > 0) parts[parts.length] = ",";
parts[parts.length] = arguments[i];
parts[parts.length] = "){\n";
parts[parts.length] = String(arguments[arguments.length - 1]);
parts[parts.length] = "\n}";
const res = compile(stringBuild(parts))();
return res;
const target = this;
if (target == null || typeof target !== 'object') target = {};
static compile(src = "", { globals = [], wrap = false } = {}) {
const parts = [];
this[valueKey] = Object(value);
if (wrap) parts[parts.length] = "return (function() {\n";
if (globals.length > 0) {
parts[parts.length] = "var ";
defineField(Object, "prototype", false, false, false, setPrototype({}, null));
for (let i = 0; i < globals.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) parts[parts.length] = ",";
parts[parts.length] = globals[i];
defineField(Object, "defineProperty", true, false, true, (obj, key, desc) => {
if (typeof obj !== "object" || obj === null) {
print(typeof obj);
throw new TypeError("Object.defineProperty called on non-object");
if (typeof desc !== "object" || desc === null) throw new TypeError("Property description must be an object: " + desc);
parts[parts.length] = ";((g=arguments[0])=>{";
if ("get" in desc || "set" in desc) {
let get = desc.get, set = desc.set;
for (let i = 0; i < globals.length; i++) {
const name = globals[i];
parts[parts.length] = name + "=g[" + json.stringify(name) + "];";
print(typeof get);
if (get !== undefined && typeof get !== "function") throw new TypeError("Getter must be a function: " + get);
if (set !== undefined && typeof set !== "function") throw new TypeError("Setter must be a function: " + set);
if ("value" in desc || "writable" in desc) {
throw new TypeError("Invalid property descriptor. Cannot both specify accessors and a value or writable attribute");
parts[parts.length] = "})()\n";
if (!defineProperty(obj, key, desc.enumerable, desc.configurable, get, set)) {
throw new TypeError("Cannot redefine property: " + key);
else if (!defineField(obj, key, desc.writable, desc.enumerable, desc.configurable, desc.value)) {
throw new TypeError("Cannot redefine property: " + key);
parts[parts.length] = src;
if (wrap) parts[parts.length] = "\n})(arguments[0])";
const res = compile(stringBuild(parts));
return res;
return obj;
defineField(Object.prototype, "toString", true, false, true, function() {
if (this !== null && this !== undefined && (Symbol.toStringTag in this)) return "[object " + this[Symbol.toStringTag] + "]";
else if (typeof this === "number" || this instanceof Number) return "[object Number]";
else if (typeof this === "symbol" || this instanceof Symbol) return "[object Symbol]";
else if (typeof this === "string" || this instanceof String) return "[object String]";
else if (typeof this === "boolean" || this instanceof Boolean) return "[object Boolean]";
else if (typeof this === "function") return "[object Function]";
else return "[object Object]";
defineField(Object.prototype, "valueOf", true, false, true, function() {
return this;
target.Object = Object;
const Function = function() {
const parts = ["return function annonymous("];
for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length - 1; i++) {
if (i > 0) parts[parts.length] = ",";
parts[parts.length] = arguments[i];
parts[parts.length] = "){\n";
parts[parts.length] = String(arguments[arguments.length - 1]);
parts[parts.length] = "\n}";
const res = compile(stringBuild(parts))();
return res;
defineField(Function, "compile", true, false, true, (src = "", options = {}) => {
if (options.globals == null) options.globals = [];
if (options.wrap == null) options.wrap = true;
const parts = [];
if (options.wrap) parts[parts.length] = "return (function() {\n";
if (options.globals.length > 0) {
parts[parts.length] = "var ";
for (let i = 0; i < options.globals.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) parts[parts.length] = ",";
parts[parts.length] = options.globals[i];
parts[parts.length] = ";((g=arguments[0])=>{";
for (let i = 0; i < options.globals.length; i++) {
const name = options.globals[i];
parts[parts.length] = name + "=g[" + json.stringify(name) + "];";
parts[parts.length] = "})()\n";
parts[parts.length] = src;
if (options.wrap) parts[parts.length] = "\n})(arguments[0])";
const res = compile(stringBuild(parts));
return res;
defineField(Function, "prototype", false, false, false, setPrototype({}, null));
defineField(Function.prototype, "toString", true, false, true, function() {
if ( !== "") return "function " + + "(...) { ... }";
else return "function (...) { ... }";
defineField(Function.prototype, "valueOf", true, false, true, function() {
return this;
setCallable(Function, true);
target.Function = Function;
// setIntrinsic("spread_obj", target.spread_obj = (target, obj) => {
// if (obj === null || obj === undefined) return;
// const members = getOwnMembers(obj, true);
// const symbols = getOwnSymbolMembers(obj, true);
class Array {
constructor(len) {
if (arguments.length === 1 && typeof len === "number") {
const res = [];
res.length = len;
return res;
// TODO: Implement spreading
else throw new Error("Spreading not implemented");
// for (let i = 0; i < members.length; i++) {
// const member = members[i];
// target[member] = obj[member];
// }
setCallable(Array, true);
target.Array = Array;
// for (let i = 0; i < symbols.length; i++) {
// const member = symbols[i];
// target[member] = obj[member];
// }
// });
// setIntrinsic("apply", target.spread_call = (func, self, args) => {
// return invoke(func, self, args);
// });
// setIntrinsic("apply", target.spread_new = (func, args) => {
// return invoke(func, null, args);
// });
class Error {
toString() {
let res = || "Error";
const msg = this.message;
if (msg) res += ": " + msg;
return res;
constructor (msg = "") {
if (invokeType(arguments) === "call") return new Error(msg);
this.message = msg + "";
const Error = function(msg = "") {
if (invokeType(arguments) === "call") return new Error(msg);
this.message = msg + "";
defineField(Error.prototype, "name", true, false, true, "Error");
defineField(Error.prototype, "message", true, false, true, "");
defineField(Error.prototype, "toString", true, false, true, function toString() {
let res = || "Error";
const msg = this.message;
if (msg) res += ": " + msg;
return res;
setCallable(Error, true);
target.Error = Error;
const SyntaxError = function(msg = "") {
if (invokeType(arguments) === "call") return new SyntaxError(msg);
this.message = msg + "";
defineField(SyntaxError.prototype, "name", true, false, true, "SyntaxError");
class SyntaxError {
constructor (msg = "") {
if (invokeType(arguments) === "call") return new SyntaxError(msg);
this.message = msg + "";
defineField(SyntaxError.prototype, "name", true, false, true, "SyntaxError");
setPrototype(SyntaxError, Error);
setPrototype(SyntaxError.prototype, Error.prototype);
setCallable(SyntaxError, true);
target.SyntaxError = SyntaxError;
class TypeError {
constructor (msg = "") {
if (invokeType(arguments) === "call") return new TypeError(msg);
this.message = msg + "";
defineField(TypeError.prototype, "name", true, false, true, "TypeError");
setPrototype(TypeError, Error);
setPrototype(TypeError.prototype, Error.prototype);
setCallable(TypeError, true);
target.TypeError = TypeError;
class RangeError {
constructor (msg = "") {
if (invokeType(arguments) === "call") return new RangeError(msg);
this.message = msg + "";
defineField(RangeError.prototype, "name", true, false, true, "RangeError");
setPrototype(RangeError, Error);
setPrototype(RangeError.prototype, Error.prototype);
setCallable(RangeError, true);
target.RangeError = RangeError;
setGlobalPrototype("string", String.prototype);
setGlobalPrototype("number", Number.prototype);
setGlobalPrototype("boolean", Boolean.prototype);
setGlobalPrototype("symbol", Symbol.prototype);
setGlobalPrototype("object", Object.prototype);
setGlobalPrototype("array", Array.prototype);
setGlobalPrototype("function", Function.prototype);
setGlobalPrototype("error", Error.prototype);
setGlobalPrototype("syntax", SyntaxError.prototype);