import { hmac } from ""; function trimBase64(val: string | Uint8Array) { if (val instanceof Uint8Array) { val = new TextDecoder().decode(val); } while (val.endsWith('=')) { val = val.substring(0, val.length - 1); } return val.replaceAll('+', '-').replaceAll('/', '_'); } function toBase64(val: string) { val = btoa(val); while (val.endsWith('=')) { val = val.substring(0, val.length - 1); } return val.replaceAll('+', '-').replaceAll('/', '_'); } function fromBase64(val: string) { return atob(val.replaceAll('-', '+').replaceAll('_', '/')); } export interface JWTPayload { iss?: string; sub?: string; aud?: string; exp?: number; nbf?: number; iat?: number; jti?: string; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any [prop: string]: any; } export default { encode(payload: JWTPayload | string, key: string) { if (typeof payload === 'string') return payload; const rawHeader = JSON.stringify({ alg: "HS256", typ: "JWT" }); const rawPayload = JSON.stringify(payload); const data = toBase64(rawHeader) + '.' + toBase64(rawPayload); const rawSignature = trimBase64(hmac('sha256', key, data, 'utf8', 'base64')); return data + '.' + rawSignature; }, decode(jwt: string | JWTPayload, key?: string) { if (typeof jwt === 'object') return jwt; const segments = jwt.split('.'); if (segments.length != 3) throw new Error("Expected JWT to have exactly 2 dots."); const [ rawHeader, rawPayload, givenSig ] = segments; const data = rawHeader + '.' + rawPayload; if (key != undefined) { if (JSON.parse(fromBase64(rawHeader))?.alg != "HS256") throw new Error("Invalid JWT algorithm."); const actualSig = trimBase64(hmac('sha256', key, data, 'utf8', 'base64')) as string; if (givenSig != actualSig) throw new Error("Invalid JWT signature."); } try { return JSON.parse(fromBase64(rawPayload)) as JWTPayload; } catch { throw new Error("Invalid JWT payload."); } }, validate(j: string | JWTPayload, key: string) { if (typeof j === 'object') { j = this.encode(j, key); } const segments = j.split('.'); if (segments.length != 3) throw new Error("Expected jwt to have exactly 2 dots."); const [ header, payload, givenSig ] = segments; const data = header + '.' + payload; const actualSig = trimBase64(hmac('sha256', key, data, 'utf8', 'base64')) as string; return givenSig != actualSig; } }