--- Telescope is a test library for Lua that allows for flexible, declarative -- tests. The documentation produced here is intended largely for developers -- working on Telescope. For information on using Telescope, please visit the -- project homepage at: http://github.com/norman/telescope#readme. -- @release 0.6 -- @class module -- @module 'telescope' local _M = {} local getfenv = _G.getfenv local setfenv = _G.setfenv local _VERSION = "0.6.0" --- The status codes that can be returned by an invoked test. These should not be overidden. -- @name status_codes -- @class table -- @field err - This is returned when an invoked test results in an error -- rather than a passed or failed assertion. -- @field fail - This is returned when an invoked test contains one or more failing assertions. -- @field pass - This is returned when all of a test's assertions pass. -- @field pending - This is returned when a test does not have a corresponding function. -- @field unassertive - This is returned when an invoked test does not produce -- errors, but does not contain any assertions. local status_codes = { err = 2, fail = 4, pass = 8, pending = 16, unassertive = 32 } --- Labels used to show the various status_codes as a single character. -- These can be overidden if you wish. -- @name status_labels -- @class table -- @see status_codes -- @field status_codes.err 'E' -- @field status_codes.fail 'F' -- @field status_codes.pass 'P' -- @field status_codes.pending '?' -- @field status_codes.unassertive 'U' local status_labels = { [status_codes.err] = 'E', [status_codes.fail] = 'F', [status_codes.pass] = 'P', [status_codes.pending] = '?', [status_codes.unassertive] = 'U' } --- The default names for context blocks. It defaults to "context", "spec" and -- "describe." -- @name context_aliases -- @class table local context_aliases = {"context", "describe", "spec"} --- The default names for test blocks. It defaults to "test," "it", "expect", -- "they" and "should." -- @name test_aliases -- @class table local test_aliases = {"test", "it", "expect", "should", "they"} --- The default names for "before" blocks. It defaults to "before" and "setup." -- The function in the before block will be run before each sibling test function -- or context. -- @name before_aliases -- @class table local before_aliases = {"before", "setup"} --- The default names for "after" blocks. It defaults to "after" and "teardown." -- The function in the after block will be run after each sibling test function -- or context. -- @name after_aliases -- @class table local after_aliases = {"after", "teardown"} -- Prefix to place before all assertion messages. Used by make_assertion(). local assertion_message_prefix = "Assert failed: expected " --- The default assertions. -- These are the assertions built into telescope. You can override them or -- create your own custom assertions using make_assertion. --
-- The name will be used as the basis of the positive and negative assertions; -- i.e., the name equal would be used to create the assertions -- assert_equal and assert_not_equal. --
-- @param message The base message that will be shown. ---- The assertion message is what is shown when the assertion fails. It will be -- prefixed with the string in telescope.assertion_message_prefix. -- The variables passed to telescope.make_assertion are interpolated -- in the message string using string.format. When creating the -- inverse assertion, the message is reused, with " to be " replaced -- by " not to be ". Hence a recommended format is something like: -- "%s to be similar to %s". --
-- @param func The assertion function itself. ---- The assertion function can have any number of arguments. --
-- @usage make_assertion("equal", "%s to be equal to %s", function(a, b) -- return a == b end) -- @function make_assertion local function make_assertion(name, message, func) local num_vars = 0 -- if the last vararg ends up nil, we'll need to pad the table with nils so -- that string.format gets the number of args it expects local format_message if type(message) == "function" then format_message = message else for _, _ in message:gmatch("%%s") do num_vars = num_vars + 1 end format_message = function(message, ...) local a = {} local args = {...} local nargs = select('#', ...) if nargs > num_vars then local userErrorMessage = args[num_vars+1] if type(userErrorMessage) == "string" then return(assertion_message_prefix .. userErrorMessage) else error(string.format('assert_%s expected %d arguments but got %d', name, num_vars, #args)) end end for i = 1, nargs do a[i] = tostring(args[i]) end for i = nargs+1, num_vars do a[i] = 'nil' end return (assertion_message_prefix .. message):format(unpack(a)) end end assertions["assert_" .. name] = function(...) if assertion_callback then assertion_callback(...) end if not func(...) then error({format_message(message, ...), debug.traceback()}) end end end --- (local) Return a table with table t's values as keys and keys as values. -- @param t The table. local function invert_table(t) local t2 = {} for k, v in pairs(t) do t2[v] = k end return t2 end -- (local) Truncate a string "s" to length "len", optionally followed by the -- string given in "after" if truncated; for example, truncate_string("hello -- world", 3, "...") -- @param s The string to truncate. -- @param len The desired length. -- @param after A string to append to s, if it is truncated. local function truncate_string(s, len, after) if #s <= len then return s else local s = s:sub(1, len):gsub("%s*$", '') if after then return s .. after else return s end end end --- (local) Filter a table's values by function. This function iterates over a -- table , returning only the table entries that, when passed into function f, -- yield a truthy value. -- @param t The table over which to iterate. -- @param f The filter function. local function filter(t, f) local a, b return function() repeat a, b = next(t, a) if not b then return end if f(a, b) then return a, b end until not b end end --- (local) Finds the value in the contexts table indexed with i, and returns a table -- of i's ancestor contexts. -- @param i The index in the contexts table to get ancestors for. -- @param contexts The table in which to find the ancestors. local function ancestors(i, contexts) if i == 0 then return end local a = {} local function func(j) if contexts[j].parent == 0 then return nil end table.insert(a, contexts[j].parent) func(contexts[j].parent) end func(i) return a end make_assertion("blank", "'%s' to be blank", function(a) return a == '' or a == nil end) make_assertion("empty", "'%s' to be an empty table", function(a) return not next(a) end) make_assertion("equal", "'%s' to be equal to '%s'", function(a, b) return a == b end) make_assertion("error", "result to be an error", function(f) return not pcall(f) end) make_assertion("false", "'%s' to be false", function(a) return a == false end) make_assertion("greater_than", "'%s' to be greater than '%s'", function(a, b) return a > b end) make_assertion("gte", "'%s' to be greater than or equal to '%s'", function(a, b) return a >= b end) make_assertion("less_than", "'%s' to be less than '%s'", function(a, b) return a < b end) make_assertion("lte", "'%s' to be less than or equal to '%s'", function(a, b) return a <= b end) make_assertion("match", "'%s' to be a match for %s", function(a, b) return (tostring(b)):match(a) end) make_assertion("nil", "'%s' to be nil", function(a) return a == nil end) make_assertion("true", "'%s' to be true", function(a) return a == true end) make_assertion("type", "'%s' to be a %s", function(a, b) return type(a) == b end) make_assertion("not_blank", "'%s' not to be blank", function(a) return a ~= '' and a ~= nil end) make_assertion("not_empty", "'%s' not to be an empty table", function(a) return not not next(a) end) make_assertion("not_equal", "'%s' not to be equal to '%s'", function(a, b) return a ~= b end) make_assertion("not_error", "result not to be an error", function(f) return not not pcall(f) end) make_assertion("not_match", "'%s' not to be a match for %s", function(a, b) return not (tostring(b)):match(a) end) make_assertion("not_nil", "'%s' not to be nil", function(a) return a ~= nil end) make_assertion("not_type", "'%s' not to be a %s", function(a, b) return type(a) ~= b end) --- Build a contexts table from the test file or function given in target. -- If the optional contexts table argument is provided, then the -- resulting contexts will be added to it. ---- The resulting contexts table's structure is as follows: --
-- {
-- {parent = 0, name = "this is a context", context = true},
-- {parent = 1, name = "this is a nested context", context = true},
-- {parent = 2, name = "this is a test", test = function},
-- {parent = 2, name = "this is another test", test = function},
-- {parent = 0, name = "this is test outside any context", test = function},
-- }
-- @param contexts A optional table in which to collect the resulting contexts
-- and function.
-- @function load_contexts
local function load_contexts(target, contexts)
local env = {}
local current_index = 0
local context_table = contexts or {}
local function context_block(name, func)
table.insert(context_table, {parent = current_index, name = name, context = true})
local previous_index = current_index
current_index = #context_table
current_index = previous_index
local function test_block(name, func)
local test_table = {name = name, parent = current_index, test = func or true}
if current_index ~= 0 then
test_table.context_name = context_table[current_index].name
test_table.context_name = 'top level'
table.insert(context_table, test_table)
local function before_block(func)
context_table[current_index].before = func
local function after_block(func)
context_table[current_index].after = func
for _, v in ipairs(after_aliases) do env[v] = after_block end
for _, v in ipairs(before_aliases) do env[v] = before_block end
for _, v in ipairs(context_aliases) do env[v] = context_block end
for _, v in ipairs(test_aliases) do env[v] = test_block end
-- Set these functions in the module's meta table to allow accessing
-- telescope's test and context functions without env tricks. This will
-- however add tests to a context table used inside the module, so multiple
-- test files will add tests to the same top-level context, which may or may
-- not be desired.
setmetatable(_M, {__index = env})
setmetatable(env, {__index = _G})
local func, err = type(target) == 'string' and assert(loadfile(target)) or target
if err then error(err) end
setfenv(func, env)()
return context_table
-- in-place table reverse.
function table.reverse(t)
local len = #t+1
for i=1, (len-1)/2 do
t[i], t[len-i] = t[len-i], t[i]
--- Run all tests.
-- This function will exectute each function in the contexts table.
-- @param contexts The contexts created by load_contexts.
-- @param callbacks A table of callback functions to be invoked before or after
-- various test states.
-- -- There is a callback for each test status_code, and callbacks to run -- before or after each test invocation regardless of outcome. --
---- Callbacks can be used, for example, to drop into a debugger upon a failed -- assertion or error, for profiling, or updating a GUI progress meter. --
-- @param test_filter A function to filter tests that match only conditions that you specify. ---- For example, the folling would allow you to run only tests whose name matches a pattern: --
-- function(t) return t.name:match("%s* lexer") end