/* ** Trace recorder (bytecode -> SSA IR). ** Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Mike Pall. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h */ #define lj_record_c #define LUA_CORE #include "lj_obj.h" #if LJ_HASJIT #include "lj_gc.h" #include "lj_err.h" #include "lj_str.h" #include "lj_tab.h" #include "lj_state.h" #include "lj_frame.h" #include "lj_bc.h" #include "lj_ff.h" #include "lj_ir.h" #include "lj_jit.h" #include "lj_iropt.h" #include "lj_trace.h" #include "lj_record.h" #include "lj_snap.h" #include "lj_asm.h" #include "lj_dispatch.h" #include "lj_vm.h" /* Some local macros to save typing. Undef'd at the end. */ #define IR(ref) (&J->cur.ir[(ref)]) /* Pass IR on to next optimization in chain (FOLD). */ #define emitir(ot, a, b) (lj_ir_set(J, (ot), (a), (b)), lj_opt_fold(J)) /* Emit raw IR without passing through optimizations. */ #define emitir_raw(ot, a, b) (lj_ir_set(J, (ot), (a), (b)), lj_ir_emit(J)) /* Context for recording an indexed load/store. */ typedef struct RecordIndex { TValue tabv; /* Runtime value of table (or indexed object). */ TValue keyv; /* Runtime value of key. */ TValue valv; /* Runtime value of stored value. */ TValue mobjv; /* Runtime value of metamethod object. */ GCtab *mtv; /* Runtime value of metatable object. */ cTValue *oldv; /* Runtime value of previously stored value. */ TRef tab; /* Table (or indexed object) reference. */ TRef key; /* Key reference. */ TRef val; /* Value reference for a store or 0 for a load. */ TRef mt; /* Metatable reference. */ TRef mobj; /* Metamethod object reference. */ int idxchain; /* Index indirections left or 0 for raw lookup. */ } RecordIndex; /* Forward declarations. */ static int rec_mm_lookup(jit_State *J, RecordIndex *ix, MMS mm); static TRef rec_idx(jit_State *J, RecordIndex *ix); /* -- Sanity checks ------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef LUA_USE_ASSERT /* Sanity check the whole IR -- sloooow. */ static void rec_check_ir(jit_State *J) { IRRef i, nins = J->cur.nins, nk = J->cur.nk; lua_assert(nk <= REF_BIAS && nins >= REF_BIAS && nins < 65536); for (i = nins-1; i >= nk; i--) { IRIns *ir = IR(i); uint32_t mode = lj_ir_mode[ir->o]; IRRef op1 = ir->op1; IRRef op2 = ir->op2; switch (irm_op1(mode)) { case IRMnone: lua_assert(op1 == 0); break; case IRMref: lua_assert(op1 >= nk); lua_assert(i >= REF_BIAS ? op1 < i : op1 > i); break; case IRMlit: break; case IRMcst: lua_assert(i < REF_BIAS); continue; } switch (irm_op2(mode)) { case IRMnone: lua_assert(op2 == 0); break; case IRMref: lua_assert(op2 >= nk); lua_assert(i >= REF_BIAS ? op2 < i : op2 > i); break; case IRMlit: break; case IRMcst: lua_assert(0); break; } if (ir->prev) { lua_assert(ir->prev >= nk); lua_assert(i >= REF_BIAS ? ir->prev < i : ir->prev > i); lua_assert(IR(ir->prev)->o == ir->o); } } } /* Compare stack slots and frames of the recorder and the VM. */ static void rec_check_slots(jit_State *J) { BCReg s, nslots = J->baseslot + J->maxslot; int32_t depth = 0; cTValue *base = J->L->base - J->baseslot; lua_assert(J->baseslot >= 1 && J->baseslot < LJ_MAX_JSLOTS); lua_assert(J->baseslot == 1 || (J->slot[J->baseslot-1] & TREF_FRAME)); lua_assert(nslots < LJ_MAX_JSLOTS); for (s = 0; s < nslots; s++) { TRef tr = J->slot[s]; if (tr) { cTValue *tv = &base[s]; IRRef ref = tref_ref(tr); IRIns *ir; lua_assert(ref >= J->cur.nk && ref < J->cur.nins); ir = IR(ref); lua_assert(irt_t(ir->t) == tref_t(tr)); if (s == 0) { lua_assert(tref_isfunc(tr)); } else if ((tr & TREF_FRAME)) { GCfunc *fn = gco2func(frame_gc(tv)); BCReg delta = (BCReg)(tv - frame_prev(tv)); lua_assert(tref_isfunc(tr)); if (tref_isk(tr)) lua_assert(fn == ir_kfunc(ir)); lua_assert(s > delta ? (J->slot[s-delta] & TREF_FRAME) : (s == delta)); depth++; } else if ((tr & TREF_CONT)) { lua_assert(ir_kptr(ir) == gcrefp(tv->gcr, void)); lua_assert((J->slot[s+1] & TREF_FRAME)); depth++; } else { if (tvisnum(tv)) lua_assert(tref_isnumber(tr)); /* Could be IRT_INT etc., too. */ else lua_assert(itype2irt(tv) == tref_type(tr)); if (tref_isk(tr)) { /* Compare constants. */ TValue tvk; lj_ir_kvalue(J->L, &tvk, ir); lua_assert(lj_obj_equal(tv, &tvk)); } } } } lua_assert(J->framedepth == depth); } #endif /* -- Type handling and specialization ------------------------------------ */ /* Note: these functions return tagged references (TRef). */ /* Specialize a slot to a specific type. Note: slot can be negative! */ static TRef sloadt(jit_State *J, int32_t slot, IRType t, int mode) { /* Caller may set IRT_GUARD in t. */ TRef ref = emitir_raw(IRT(IR_SLOAD, t), (int32_t)J->baseslot+slot, mode); J->base[slot] = ref; return ref; } /* Specialize a slot to the runtime type. Note: slot can be negative! */ static TRef sload(jit_State *J, int32_t slot) { IRType t = itype2irt(&J->L->base[slot]); TRef ref = emitir_raw(IRTG(IR_SLOAD, t), (int32_t)J->baseslot+slot, IRSLOAD_TYPECHECK); if (irtype_ispri(t)) ref = TREF_PRI(t); /* Canonicalize primitive refs. */ J->base[slot] = ref; return ref; } /* Get TRef from slot. Load slot and specialize if not done already. */ #define getslot(J, s) (J->base[(s)] ? J->base[(s)] : sload(J, (int32_t)(s))) /* Get TRef for current function. */ static TRef getcurrf(jit_State *J) { if (J->base[-1]) return J->base[-1]; lua_assert(J->baseslot == 1); return sloadt(J, -1, IRT_FUNC, IRSLOAD_READONLY); } /* Compare for raw object equality. ** Returns 0 if the objects are the same. ** Returns 1 if they are different, but the same type. ** Returns 2 for two different types. ** Comparisons between primitives always return 1 -- no caller cares about it. */ static int rec_objcmp(jit_State *J, TRef a, TRef b, cTValue *av, cTValue *bv) { int diff = !lj_obj_equal(av, bv); if (!tref_isk2(a, b)) { /* Shortcut, also handles primitives. */ IRType ta = tref_isinteger(a) ? IRT_INT : tref_type(a); IRType tb = tref_isinteger(b) ? IRT_INT : tref_type(b); if (ta != tb) { /* Widen mixed number/int comparisons to number/number comparison. */ if (ta == IRT_INT && tb == IRT_NUM) { a = emitir(IRTN(IR_TONUM), a, 0); ta = IRT_NUM; } else if (ta == IRT_NUM && tb == IRT_INT) { b = emitir(IRTN(IR_TONUM), b, 0); } else { return 2; /* Two different types are never equal. */ } } emitir(IRTG(diff ? IR_NE : IR_EQ, ta), a, b); } return diff; } /* -- Record loop ops ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* Loop event. */ typedef enum { LOOPEV_LEAVE, /* Loop is left or not entered. */ LOOPEV_ENTER /* Loop is entered. */ } LoopEvent; /* Canonicalize slots: convert integers to numbers. */ static void canonicalize_slots(jit_State *J) { BCReg s; for (s = J->baseslot+J->maxslot-1; s >= 1; s--) { TRef tr = J->slot[s]; if (tref_isinteger(tr)) { IRIns *ir = IR(tref_ref(tr)); if (!(ir->o == IR_SLOAD && (ir->op2 & IRSLOAD_READONLY))) J->slot[s] = emitir(IRTN(IR_TONUM), tr, 0); } } } /* Stop recording. */ static void rec_stop(jit_State *J, TraceNo lnk) { lj_trace_end(J); J->cur.link = (uint16_t)lnk; /* Looping back at the same stack level? */ if (lnk == J->cur.traceno && J->framedepth + J->retdepth == 0) { if ((J->flags & JIT_F_OPT_LOOP)) /* Shall we try to create a loop? */ goto nocanon; /* Do not canonicalize or we lose the narrowing. */ if (J->cur.root) /* Otherwise ensure we always link to the root trace. */ J->cur.link = J->cur.root; } canonicalize_slots(J); nocanon: /* Note: all loop ops must set J->pc to the following instruction! */ lj_snap_add(J); /* Add loop snapshot. */ J->needsnap = 0; J->mergesnap = 1; /* In case recording continues. */ } /* Search bytecode backwards for a int/num constant slot initializer. */ static TRef find_kinit(jit_State *J, const BCIns *endpc, BCReg slot, IRType t) { /* This algorithm is rather simplistic and assumes quite a bit about ** how the bytecode is generated. It works fine for FORI initializers, ** but it won't necessarily work in other cases (e.g. iterator arguments). ** It doesn't do anything fancy, either (like backpropagating MOVs). */ const BCIns *pc, *startpc = proto_bc(J->pt); for (pc = endpc-1; pc > startpc; pc--) { BCIns ins = *pc; BCOp op = bc_op(ins); /* First try to find the last instruction that stores to this slot. */ if (bcmode_a(op) == BCMbase && bc_a(ins) <= slot) { return 0; /* Multiple results, e.g. from a CALL or KNIL. */ } else if (bcmode_a(op) == BCMdst && bc_a(ins) == slot) { if (op == BC_KSHORT || op == BC_KNUM) { /* Found const. initializer. */ /* Now try to verify there's no forward jump across it. */ const BCIns *kpc = pc; for (; pc > startpc; pc--) if (bc_op(*pc) == BC_JMP) { const BCIns *target = pc+bc_j(*pc)+1; if (target > kpc && target <= endpc) return 0; /* Conditional assignment. */ } if (op == BC_KSHORT) { int32_t k = (int32_t)(int16_t)bc_d(ins); return t == IRT_INT ? lj_ir_kint(J, k) : lj_ir_knum(J, cast_num(k)); } else { lua_Number n = proto_knum(J->pt, bc_d(ins)); if (t == IRT_INT) { int32_t k = lj_num2int(n); if (n == cast_num(k)) /* -0 is ok here. */ return lj_ir_kint(J, k); return 0; /* Type mismatch. */ } else { return lj_ir_knum(J, n); } } } return 0; /* Non-constant initializer. */ } } return 0; /* No assignment to this slot found? */ } /* Peek before FORI to find a const initializer. Otherwise load from slot. */ static TRef fori_arg(jit_State *J, const BCIns *fori, BCReg slot, IRType t) { TRef tr = J->base[slot]; if (!tr) { tr = find_kinit(J, fori, slot, t); if (!tr) tr = sloadt(J, (int32_t)slot, t == IRT_INT ? (IRT_INT|IRT_GUARD) : t, t == IRT_INT ? (IRSLOAD_CONVERT|IRSLOAD_READONLY|IRSLOAD_INHERIT) : (IRSLOAD_READONLY|IRSLOAD_INHERIT)); } return tr; } /* In-place coercion of FORI arguments. */ static lua_Number for_coerce(jit_State *J, TValue *o) { if (!tvisnum(o) && !(tvisstr(o) && lj_str_tonum(strV(o), o))) lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_BADTYPE); return numV(o); } /* Simulate the runtime behavior of the FOR loop iterator. ** It's important to exactly reproduce the semantics of the interpreter. */ static LoopEvent for_iter(jit_State *J, IROp *op, BCReg ra, int isforl) { TValue *forbase = &J->L->base[ra]; lua_Number stopv = for_coerce(J, &forbase[FORL_STOP]); lua_Number idxv = for_coerce(J, &forbase[FORL_IDX]); lua_Number stepv = for_coerce(J, &forbase[FORL_STEP]); if (isforl) idxv += stepv; if ((int32_t)forbase[FORL_STEP].u32.hi >= 0) { if (idxv <= stopv) { *op = IR_LE; return LOOPEV_ENTER; } *op = IR_GT; return LOOPEV_LEAVE; } else { if (stopv <= idxv) { *op = IR_GE; return LOOPEV_ENTER; } *op = IR_LT; return LOOPEV_LEAVE; } } /* Record FORL/JFORL or FORI/JFORI. */ static LoopEvent rec_for(jit_State *J, const BCIns *fori, int isforl) { BCReg ra = bc_a(*fori); IROp op; LoopEvent ev = for_iter(J, &op, ra, isforl); TRef *tr = &J->base[ra]; TRef idx, stop; IRType t; if (isforl) { /* Handle FORL/JFORL opcodes. */ TRef step; idx = tr[FORL_IDX]; if (tref_ref(idx) == J->scev.idx) { t = J->scev.t.irt; stop = J->scev.stop; step = J->scev.step; } else { if (!idx) idx = sloadt(J, (int32_t)(ra+FORL_IDX), IRT_NUM, 0); t = tref_type(idx); stop = fori_arg(J, fori, ra+FORL_STOP, t); step = fori_arg(J, fori, ra+FORL_STEP, t); } tr[FORL_IDX] = idx = emitir(IRT(IR_ADD, t), idx, step); } else { /* Handle FORI/JFORI opcodes. */ BCReg i; t = IRT_NUM; for (i = FORL_IDX; i <= FORL_STEP; i++) { lua_assert(J->base[ra+i] != 0); /* Assumes the slots are already set. */ tr[i] = lj_ir_tonum(J, J->base[ra+i]); } idx = tr[FORL_IDX]; stop = tr[FORL_STOP]; if (!tref_isk(tr[FORL_STEP])) /* Non-const step: need direction guard. */ emitir(IRTG(((op-IR_LT)>>1)+IR_LT, IRT_NUM), tr[FORL_STEP], lj_ir_knum_zero(J)); } tr[FORL_EXT] = idx; if (ev == LOOPEV_LEAVE) { J->maxslot = ra+FORL_EXT+1; J->pc = fori+1; } else { J->maxslot = ra; J->pc = fori+bc_j(*fori)+1; } lj_snap_add(J); emitir(IRTG(op, t), idx, stop); if (ev == LOOPEV_LEAVE) { J->maxslot = ra; J->pc = fori+bc_j(*fori)+1; } else { J->maxslot = ra+FORL_EXT+1; J->pc = fori+1; } J->needsnap = 1; return ev; } /* Record ITERL/JITERL. */ static LoopEvent rec_iterl(jit_State *J, const BCIns iterins) { BCReg ra = bc_a(iterins); lua_assert(J->base[ra] != 0); if (!tref_isnil(J->base[ra])) { /* Looping back? */ J->base[ra-1] = J->base[ra]; /* Copy result of ITERC to control var. */ J->maxslot = ra-1+bc_b(J->pc[-1]); J->pc += bc_j(iterins)+1; return LOOPEV_ENTER; } else { J->maxslot = ra-3; J->pc++; return LOOPEV_LEAVE; } } /* Record LOOP/JLOOP. Now, that was easy. */ static LoopEvent rec_loop(jit_State *J, BCReg ra) { J->maxslot = ra; J->pc++; return LOOPEV_ENTER; } /* Check if a loop repeatedly failed to trace because it didn't loop back. */ static int innerloopleft(jit_State *J, const BCIns *pc) { ptrdiff_t i; for (i = 0; i < PENALTY_SLOTS; i++) if (mref(J->penalty[i].pc, const BCIns) == pc) { if (J->penalty[i].reason == LJ_TRERR_LLEAVE && J->penalty[i].val >= 2*PENALTY_MIN) return 1; break; } return 0; } /* Handle the case when an interpreted loop op is hit. */ static void rec_loop_interp(jit_State *J, const BCIns *pc, LoopEvent ev) { if (J->parent == 0) { if (pc == J->startpc && J->framedepth + J->retdepth == 0) { /* Same loop? */ if (ev == LOOPEV_LEAVE) /* Must loop back to form a root trace. */ lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_LLEAVE); rec_stop(J, J->cur.traceno); /* Root trace forms a loop. */ } else if (ev != LOOPEV_LEAVE) { /* Entering inner loop? */ /* It's usually better to abort here and wait until the inner loop ** is traced. But if the inner loop repeatedly didn't loop back, ** this indicates a low trip count. In this case try unrolling ** an inner loop even in a root trace. But it's better to be a bit ** more conservative here and only do it for very short loops. */ if (!innerloopleft(J, pc)) lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_LINNER); /* Root trace hit an inner loop. */ if ((J->loopref && J->cur.nins - J->loopref > 8) || --J->loopunroll < 0) lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_LUNROLL); /* Limit loop unrolling. */ J->loopref = J->cur.nins; } } else if (ev != LOOPEV_LEAVE) { /* Side trace enters an inner loop. */ J->loopref = J->cur.nins; if (--J->loopunroll < 0) lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_LUNROLL); /* Limit loop unrolling. */ } /* Side trace continues across a loop that's left or not entered. */ } /* Handle the case when an already compiled loop op is hit. */ static void rec_loop_jit(jit_State *J, TraceNo lnk, LoopEvent ev) { if (J->parent == 0) { /* Root trace hit an inner loop. */ /* Better let the inner loop spawn a side trace back here. */ lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_LINNER); } else if (ev != LOOPEV_LEAVE) { /* Side trace enters a compiled loop. */ J->instunroll = 0; /* Cannot continue across a compiled loop op. */ if (J->pc == J->startpc && J->framedepth + J->retdepth == 0) lnk = J->cur.traceno; /* Can form an extra loop. */ rec_stop(J, lnk); /* Link to the loop. */ } /* Side trace continues across a loop that's left or not entered. */ } /* -- Record calls and returns -------------------------------------------- */ /* Record call setup. */ static void rec_call_setup(jit_State *J, BCReg func, ptrdiff_t nargs) { RecordIndex ix; TValue *functv = &J->L->base[func]; TRef trfunc, *fbase = &J->base[func]; ptrdiff_t i; for (i = 0; i <= nargs; i++) getslot(J, func+i); /* Ensure func and all args have a reference. */ if (!tref_isfunc(fbase[0])) { /* Resolve __call metamethod. */ ix.tab = fbase[0]; copyTV(J->L, &ix.tabv, functv); if (!rec_mm_lookup(J, &ix, MM_call) || !tref_isfunc(ix.mobj)) lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_NOMM); for (i = ++nargs; i > 0; i--) /* Shift arguments up. */ fbase[i] = fbase[i-1]; fbase[0] = ix.mobj; /* Replace function. */ functv = &ix.mobjv; } /* Specialize to the runtime value of the called function. */ trfunc = lj_ir_kfunc(J, funcV(functv)); emitir(IRTG(IR_EQ, IRT_FUNC), fbase[0], trfunc); fbase[0] = trfunc | TREF_FRAME; J->maxslot = (BCReg)nargs; } /* Record call. */ static void rec_call(jit_State *J, BCReg func, ptrdiff_t nargs) { rec_call_setup(J, func, nargs); /* Bump frame. */ J->framedepth++; J->base += func+1; J->baseslot += func+1; } /* Record tail call. */ static void rec_tailcall(jit_State *J, BCReg func, ptrdiff_t nargs) { rec_call_setup(J, func, nargs); if (frame_isvarg(J->L->base - 1)) { BCReg cbase = (BCReg)frame_delta(J->L->base - 1); if (--J->framedepth < 0) lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_NYIRETL); J->baseslot -= (BCReg)cbase; J->base -= cbase; func += cbase; } /* Move func + args down. */ memmove(&J->base[-1], &J->base[func], sizeof(TRef)*(J->maxslot+1)); /* Note: the new TREF_FRAME is now at J->base[-1] (even for slot #0). */ /* Tailcalls can form a loop, so count towards the loop unroll limit. */ if (++J->tailcalled > J->loopunroll) lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_LUNROLL); } /* Check unroll limits for down-recursion. */ static int check_downrec_unroll(jit_State *J, GCproto *pt) { IRRef ptref; for (ptref = J->chain[IR_KGC]; ptref; ptref = IR(ptref)->prev) if (ir_kgc(IR(ptref)) == obj2gco(pt)) { int count = 0; IRRef ref; for (ref = J->chain[IR_RETF]; ref; ref = IR(ref)->prev) if (IR(ref)->op1 == ptref) count++; if (count) { if (J->pc == J->startpc) { if (count + J->tailcalled > J->param[JIT_P_recunroll]) return 1; } else { lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_DOWNREC); } } } return 0; } /* Record return. */ static void rec_ret(jit_State *J, BCReg rbase, ptrdiff_t gotresults) { TValue *frame = J->L->base - 1; ptrdiff_t i; for (i = 0; i < gotresults; i++) getslot(J, rbase+i); /* Ensure all results have a reference. */ while (frame_ispcall(frame)) { /* Immediately resolve pcall() returns. */ BCReg cbase = (BCReg)frame_delta(frame); if (--J->framedepth < 0) lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_NYIRETL); lua_assert(J->baseslot > 1); gotresults++; rbase += cbase; J->baseslot -= (BCReg)cbase; J->base -= cbase; J->base[--rbase] = TREF_TRUE; /* Prepend true to results. */ frame = frame_prevd(frame); } if (frame_isvarg(frame)) { BCReg cbase = (BCReg)frame_delta(frame); if (--J->framedepth < 0) /* NYI: return of vararg func to lower frame. */ lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_NYIRETL); lua_assert(J->baseslot > 1); rbase += cbase; J->baseslot -= (BCReg)cbase; J->base -= cbase; frame = frame_prevd(frame); } if (frame_islua(frame)) { /* Return to Lua frame. */ BCIns callins = *(frame_pc(frame)-1); ptrdiff_t nresults = bc_b(callins) ? (ptrdiff_t)bc_b(callins)-1 :gotresults; BCReg cbase = bc_a(callins); GCproto *pt = funcproto(frame_func(frame - (cbase+1))); if (J->framedepth == 0 && J->pt && frame == J->L->base - 1) { if (check_downrec_unroll(J, pt)) { J->maxslot = (BCReg)(rbase + nresults); rec_stop(J, J->cur.traceno); /* Down-recursion. */ return; } lj_snap_add(J); } for (i = 0; i < nresults; i++) /* Adjust results. */ J->base[i-1] = i < gotresults ? J->base[rbase+i] : TREF_NIL; J->maxslot = cbase+(BCReg)nresults; if (J->framedepth > 0) { /* Return to a frame that is part of the trace. */ J->framedepth--; lua_assert(J->baseslot > cbase+1); J->baseslot -= cbase+1; J->base -= cbase+1; } else if (J->parent == 0 && !bc_isret(bc_op(J->cur.startins))) { /* Return to lower frame would leave the loop in a root trace. */ lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_LLEAVE); } else { /* Return to lower frame. Guard for the target we return to. */ TRef trpt = lj_ir_kgc(J, obj2gco(pt), IRT_PROTO); TRef trpc = lj_ir_kptr(J, (void *)frame_pc(frame)); emitir(IRTG(IR_RETF, IRT_PTR), trpt, trpc); J->retdepth++; J->needsnap = 1; lua_assert(J->baseslot == 1); /* Shift result slots up and clear the slots of the new frame below. */ memmove(J->base + cbase, J->base-1, sizeof(TRef)*nresults); memset(J->base-1, 0, sizeof(TRef)*(cbase+1)); } } else if (frame_iscont(frame)) { /* Return to continuation frame. */ ASMFunction cont = frame_contf(frame); BCReg cbase = (BCReg)frame_delta(frame); if ((J->framedepth -= 2) < 0) lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_NYIRETL); J->baseslot -= (BCReg)cbase; J->base -= cbase; J->maxslot = cbase-2; if (cont == lj_cont_ra) { /* Copy result to destination slot. */ BCReg dst = bc_a(*(frame_contpc(frame)-1)); J->base[dst] = gotresults ? J->base[cbase+rbase] : TREF_NIL; if (dst >= J->maxslot) J->maxslot = dst+1; } else if (cont == lj_cont_nop) { /* Nothing to do here. */ } else if (cont == lj_cont_cat) { lua_assert(0); } else { /* Result type already specialized. */ lua_assert(cont == lj_cont_condf || cont == lj_cont_condt); } } else { lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_NYIRETL); /* NYI: handle return to C frame. */ } lua_assert(J->baseslot >= 1); } /* -- Metamethod handling ------------------------------------------------- */ /* Prepare to record call to metamethod. */ static BCReg rec_mm_prep(jit_State *J, ASMFunction cont) { BCReg s, top = curr_proto(J->L)->framesize; TRef trcont; setcont(&J->L->base[top], cont); #if LJ_64 trcont = lj_ir_kptr(J, (void *)((int64_t)cont - (int64_t)lj_vm_asm_begin)); #else trcont = lj_ir_kptr(J, (void *)cont); #endif J->base[top] = trcont | TREF_CONT; J->framedepth++; for (s = J->maxslot; s < top; s++) J->base[s] = 0; /* Clear frame gap to avoid resurrecting previous refs. */ return top+1; } /* Record metamethod lookup. */ static int rec_mm_lookup(jit_State *J, RecordIndex *ix, MMS mm) { RecordIndex mix; GCtab *mt; if (tref_istab(ix->tab)) { mt = tabref(tabV(&ix->tabv)->metatable); mix.tab = emitir(IRT(IR_FLOAD, IRT_TAB), ix->tab, IRFL_TAB_META); } else if (tref_isudata(ix->tab)) { mt = tabref(udataV(&ix->tabv)->metatable); mix.tab = emitir(IRT(IR_FLOAD, IRT_TAB), ix->tab, IRFL_UDATA_META); } else { /* Specialize to base metatable. Must flush mcode in lua_setmetatable(). */ mt = tabref(basemt_obj(J2G(J), &ix->tabv)); if (mt == NULL) { ix->mt = TREF_NIL; return 0; /* No metamethod. */ } ix->mt = mix.tab = lj_ir_ktab(J, mt); goto nocheck; } ix->mt = mt ? mix.tab : TREF_NIL; emitir(IRTG(mt ? IR_NE : IR_EQ, IRT_TAB), mix.tab, lj_ir_knull(J, IRT_TAB)); nocheck: if (mt) { GCstr *mmstr = mmname_str(J2G(J), mm); cTValue *mo = lj_tab_getstr(mt, mmstr); if (mo && !tvisnil(mo)) copyTV(J->L, &ix->mobjv, mo); ix->mtv = mt; settabV(J->L, &mix.tabv, mt); setstrV(J->L, &mix.keyv, mmstr); mix.key = lj_ir_kstr(J, mmstr); mix.val = 0; mix.idxchain = 0; ix->mobj = rec_idx(J, &mix); return !tref_isnil(ix->mobj); /* 1 if metamethod found, 0 if not. */ } return 0; /* No metamethod. */ } /* Record call to arithmetic metamethod (and MM_len). */ static TRef rec_mm_arith(jit_State *J, RecordIndex *ix, MMS mm) { /* Set up metamethod call first to save ix->tab and ix->tabv. */ BCReg func = rec_mm_prep(J, lj_cont_ra); TRef *base = J->base + func; TValue *basev = J->L->base + func; base[1] = ix->tab; base[2] = ix->key; copyTV(J->L, basev+1, &ix->tabv); copyTV(J->L, basev+2, &ix->keyv); if (!rec_mm_lookup(J, ix, mm)) { /* Lookup metamethod on 1st operand. */ if (mm != MM_len) { ix->tab = ix->key; copyTV(J->L, &ix->tabv, &ix->keyv); if (rec_mm_lookup(J, ix, mm)) /* Lookup metamethod on 2nd operand. */ goto ok; } lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_NOMM); } ok: base[0] = ix->mobj; copyTV(J->L, basev+0, &ix->mobjv); rec_call(J, func, 2); return 0; /* No result yet. */ } /* Call a comparison metamethod. */ static void rec_mm_callcomp(jit_State *J, RecordIndex *ix, int op) { BCReg func = rec_mm_prep(J, (op&1) ? lj_cont_condf : lj_cont_condt); TRef *base = J->base + func; TValue *tv = J->L->base + func; base[0] = ix->mobj; base[1] = ix->val; base[2] = ix->key; copyTV(J->L, tv+0, &ix->mobjv); copyTV(J->L, tv+1, &ix->valv); copyTV(J->L, tv+2, &ix->keyv); rec_call(J, func, 2); } /* Record call to equality comparison metamethod (for tab and udata only). */ static void rec_mm_equal(jit_State *J, RecordIndex *ix, int op) { ix->tab = ix->val; copyTV(J->L, &ix->tabv, &ix->valv); if (rec_mm_lookup(J, ix, MM_eq)) { /* Lookup metamethod on 1st operand. */ cTValue *bv; TRef mo1 = ix->mobj; TValue mo1v; copyTV(J->L, &mo1v, &ix->mobjv); /* Avoid the 2nd lookup and the objcmp if the metatables are equal. */ bv = &ix->keyv; if (tvistab(bv) && tabref(tabV(bv)->metatable) == ix->mtv) { TRef mt2 = emitir(IRT(IR_FLOAD, IRT_TAB), ix->key, IRFL_TAB_META); emitir(IRTG(IR_EQ, IRT_TAB), mt2, ix->mt); } else if (tvisudata(bv) && tabref(udataV(bv)->metatable) == ix->mtv) { TRef mt2 = emitir(IRT(IR_FLOAD, IRT_TAB), ix->key, IRFL_UDATA_META); emitir(IRTG(IR_EQ, IRT_TAB), mt2, ix->mt); } else { /* Lookup metamethod on 2nd operand and compare both. */ ix->tab = ix->key; copyTV(J->L, &ix->tabv, bv); if (!rec_mm_lookup(J, ix, MM_eq) || rec_objcmp(J, mo1, ix->mobj, &mo1v, &ix->mobjv)) return; } rec_mm_callcomp(J, ix, op); } } /* Record call to ordered comparison metamethods (for arbitrary objects). */ static void rec_mm_comp(jit_State *J, RecordIndex *ix, int op) { ix->tab = ix->val; copyTV(J->L, &ix->tabv, &ix->valv); while (1) { MMS mm = (op & 2) ? MM_le : MM_lt; /* Try __le + __lt or only __lt. */ if (rec_mm_lookup(J, ix, mm)) { /* Lookup metamethod on 1st operand. */ cTValue *bv; TRef mo1 = ix->mobj; TValue mo1v; copyTV(J->L, &mo1v, &ix->mobjv); /* Avoid the 2nd lookup and the objcmp if the metatables are equal. */ bv = &ix->keyv; if (tvistab(bv) && tabref(tabV(bv)->metatable) == ix->mtv) { TRef mt2 = emitir(IRT(IR_FLOAD, IRT_TAB), ix->key, IRFL_TAB_META); emitir(IRTG(IR_EQ, IRT_TAB), mt2, ix->mt); } else if (tvisudata(bv) && tabref(udataV(bv)->metatable) == ix->mtv) { TRef mt2 = emitir(IRT(IR_FLOAD, IRT_TAB), ix->key, IRFL_UDATA_META); emitir(IRTG(IR_EQ, IRT_TAB), mt2, ix->mt); } else { /* Lookup metamethod on 2nd operand and compare both. */ ix->tab = ix->key; copyTV(J->L, &ix->tabv, bv); if (!rec_mm_lookup(J, ix, mm) || rec_objcmp(J, mo1, ix->mobj, &mo1v, &ix->mobjv)) goto nomatch; } rec_mm_callcomp(J, ix, op); return; } nomatch: /* First lookup failed. Retry with __lt and swapped operands. */ if (!(op & 2)) break; /* Already at __lt. Interpreter will throw. */ ix->tab = ix->key; ix->key = ix->val; ix->val = ix->tab; copyTV(J->L, &ix->tabv, &ix->keyv); copyTV(J->L, &ix->keyv, &ix->valv); copyTV(J->L, &ix->valv, &ix->tabv); op ^= 3; } } /* -- Indexed access ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Record bounds-check. */ static void rec_idx_abc(jit_State *J, TRef asizeref, TRef ikey, uint32_t asize) { /* Try to emit invariant bounds checks. */ if ((J->flags & (JIT_F_OPT_LOOP|JIT_F_OPT_ABC)) == (JIT_F_OPT_LOOP|JIT_F_OPT_ABC)) { IRRef ref = tref_ref(ikey); IRIns *ir = IR(ref); int32_t ofs = 0; IRRef ofsref = 0; /* Handle constant offsets. */ if (ir->o == IR_ADD && irref_isk(ir->op2)) { ofsref = ir->op2; ofs = IR(ofsref)->i; ref = ir->op1; ir = IR(ref); } /* Got scalar evolution analysis results for this reference? */ if (ref == J->scev.idx) { int32_t stop; lua_assert(irt_isint(J->scev.t) && ir->o == IR_SLOAD); stop = lj_num2int(numV(&(J->L->base - J->baseslot)[ir->op1 + FORL_STOP])); /* Runtime value for stop of loop is within bounds? */ if ((int64_t)stop + ofs < (int64_t)asize) { /* Emit invariant bounds check for stop. */ emitir(IRTG(IR_ABC, IRT_PTR), asizeref, ofs == 0 ? J->scev.stop : emitir(IRTI(IR_ADD), J->scev.stop, ofsref)); /* Emit invariant bounds check for start, if not const or negative. */ if (!(J->scev.dir && J->scev.start && (int64_t)IR(J->scev.start)->i + ofs >= 0)) emitir(IRTG(IR_ABC, IRT_PTR), asizeref, ikey); return; } } } emitir(IRTGI(IR_ABC), asizeref, ikey); /* Emit regular bounds check. */ } /* Record indexed key lookup. */ static TRef rec_idx_key(jit_State *J, RecordIndex *ix) { TRef key; GCtab *t = tabV(&ix->tabv); ix->oldv = lj_tab_get(J->L, t, &ix->keyv); /* Lookup previous value. */ /* Integer keys are looked up in the array part first. */ key = ix->key; if (tref_isnumber(key)) { lua_Number n = numV(&ix->keyv); int32_t k = lj_num2int(n); lua_assert(tvisnum(&ix->keyv)); /* Potential array key? */ if ((MSize)k < LJ_MAX_ASIZE && n == cast_num(k)) { TRef asizeref, ikey = key; if (!tref_isinteger(ikey)) ikey = emitir(IRTGI(IR_TOINT), ikey, IRTOINT_INDEX); asizeref = emitir(IRTI(IR_FLOAD), ix->tab, IRFL_TAB_ASIZE); if ((MSize)k < t->asize) { /* Currently an array key? */ TRef arrayref; rec_idx_abc(J, asizeref, ikey, t->asize); arrayref = emitir(IRT(IR_FLOAD, IRT_PTR), ix->tab, IRFL_TAB_ARRAY); return emitir(IRT(IR_AREF, IRT_PTR), arrayref, ikey); } else { /* Currently not in array (may be an array extension)? */ emitir(IRTGI(IR_ULE), asizeref, ikey); /* Inv. bounds check. */ if (k == 0 && tref_isk(key)) key = lj_ir_knum_zero(J); /* Canonicalize 0 or +-0.0 to +0.0. */ /* And continue with the hash lookup. */ } } else if (!tref_isk(key)) { /* We can rule out const numbers which failed the integerness test ** above. But all other numbers are potential array keys. */ if (t->asize == 0) { /* True sparse tables have an empty array part. */ /* Guard that the array part stays empty. */ TRef tmp = emitir(IRTI(IR_FLOAD), ix->tab, IRFL_TAB_ASIZE); emitir(IRTGI(IR_EQ), tmp, lj_ir_kint(J, 0)); } else { lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_NYITMIX); } } } /* Otherwise the key is located in the hash part. */ if (tref_isinteger(key)) /* Hash keys are based on numbers, not ints. */ ix->key = key = emitir(IRTN(IR_TONUM), key, 0); if (tref_isk(key)) { /* Optimize lookup of constant hash keys. */ MSize hslot = (MSize)((char *)ix->oldv - (char *)&noderef(t->node)[0].val); if (t->hmask > 0 && hslot <= t->hmask*(MSize)sizeof(Node) && hslot <= 65535*(MSize)sizeof(Node)) { TRef node, kslot; TRef hm = emitir(IRTI(IR_FLOAD), ix->tab, IRFL_TAB_HMASK); emitir(IRTGI(IR_EQ), hm, lj_ir_kint(J, (int32_t)t->hmask)); node = emitir(IRT(IR_FLOAD, IRT_PTR), ix->tab, IRFL_TAB_NODE); kslot = lj_ir_kslot(J, key, hslot / sizeof(Node)); return emitir(IRTG(IR_HREFK, IRT_PTR), node, kslot); } } /* Fall back to a regular hash lookup. */ return emitir(IRT(IR_HREF, IRT_PTR), ix->tab, key); } /* Determine whether a key is NOT one of the fast metamethod names. */ static int nommstr(jit_State *J, TRef key) { if (tref_isstr(key)) { if (tref_isk(key)) { GCstr *str = ir_kstr(IR(tref_ref(key))); uint32_t mm; for (mm = 0; mm <= MM_FAST; mm++) if (mmname_str(J2G(J), mm) == str) return 0; /* MUST be one the fast metamethod names. */ } else { return 0; /* Variable string key MAY be a metamethod name. */ } } return 1; /* CANNOT be a metamethod name. */ } /* Record indexed load/store. */ static TRef rec_idx(jit_State *J, RecordIndex *ix) { TRef xref; IROp xrefop, loadop; cTValue *oldv; while (!tref_istab(ix->tab)) { /* Handle non-table lookup. */ lua_assert(ix->idxchain != 0); /* Never call raw rec_idx() on non-table. */ if (!rec_mm_lookup(J, ix, ix->val ? MM_newindex : MM_index)) lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_NOMM); handlemm: if (tref_isfunc(ix->mobj)) { /* Handle metamethod call. */ BCReg func = rec_mm_prep(J, ix->val ? lj_cont_nop : lj_cont_ra); TRef *base = J->base + func; TValue *tv = J->L->base + func; base[0] = ix->mobj; base[1] = ix->tab; base[2] = ix->key; setfuncV(J->L, tv+0, funcV(&ix->mobjv)); copyTV(J->L, tv+1, &ix->tabv); copyTV(J->L, tv+2, &ix->keyv); if (ix->val) { base[3] = ix->val; copyTV(J->L, tv+3, &ix->valv); rec_call(J, func, 3); /* mobj(tab, key, val) */ return 0; } else { rec_call(J, func, 2); /* res = mobj(tab, key) */ return 0; /* No result yet. */ } } /* Otherwise retry lookup with metaobject. */ ix->tab = ix->mobj; copyTV(J->L, &ix->tabv, &ix->mobjv); if (--ix->idxchain == 0) lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_IDXLOOP); } /* First catch nil and NaN keys for tables. */ if (tvisnil(&ix->keyv) || (tvisnum(&ix->keyv) && tvisnan(&ix->keyv))) { if (ix->val) /* Better fail early. */ lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_STORENN); if (tref_isk(ix->key)) { if (ix->idxchain && rec_mm_lookup(J, ix, MM_index)) goto handlemm; return TREF_NIL; } } /* Record the key lookup. */ xref = rec_idx_key(J, ix); xrefop = IR(tref_ref(xref))->o; loadop = xrefop == IR_AREF ? IR_ALOAD : IR_HLOAD; oldv = ix->oldv; if (ix->val == 0) { /* Indexed load */ IRType t = itype2irt(oldv); TRef res; if (oldv == niltvg(J2G(J))) { emitir(IRTG(IR_EQ, IRT_PTR), xref, lj_ir_kptr(J, niltvg(J2G(J)))); res = TREF_NIL; } else { res = emitir(IRTG(loadop, t), xref, 0); } if (t == IRT_NIL && ix->idxchain && rec_mm_lookup(J, ix, MM_index)) goto handlemm; if (irtype_ispri(t)) res = TREF_PRI(t); /* Canonicalize primitives. */ return res; } else { /* Indexed store. */ GCtab *mt = tabref(tabV(&ix->tabv)->metatable); int keybarrier = tref_isgcv(ix->key) && !tref_isnil(ix->val); if (tvisnil(oldv)) { /* Previous value was nil? */ /* Need to duplicate the hasmm check for the early guards. */ int hasmm = 0; if (ix->idxchain && mt) { cTValue *mo = lj_tab_getstr(mt, mmname_str(J2G(J), MM_newindex)); hasmm = mo && !tvisnil(mo); } if (hasmm) emitir(IRTG(loadop, IRT_NIL), xref, 0); /* Guard for nil value. */ else if (xrefop == IR_HREF) emitir(IRTG(oldv == niltvg(J2G(J)) ? IR_EQ : IR_NE, IRT_PTR), xref, lj_ir_kptr(J, niltvg(J2G(J)))); if (ix->idxchain && rec_mm_lookup(J, ix, MM_newindex)) { /* Metamethod? */ lua_assert(hasmm); goto handlemm; } lua_assert(!hasmm); if (oldv == niltvg(J2G(J))) { /* Need to insert a new key. */ TRef key = ix->key; if (tref_isinteger(key)) /* NEWREF needs a TValue as a key. */ key = emitir(IRTN(IR_TONUM), key, 0); xref = emitir(IRT(IR_NEWREF, IRT_PTR), ix->tab, key); keybarrier = 0; /* NEWREF already takes care of the key barrier. */ } } else if (!lj_opt_fwd_wasnonnil(J, loadop, tref_ref(xref))) { /* Cannot derive that the previous value was non-nil, must do checks. */ if (xrefop == IR_HREF) /* Guard against store to niltv. */ emitir(IRTG(IR_NE, IRT_PTR), xref, lj_ir_kptr(J, niltvg(J2G(J)))); if (ix->idxchain) { /* Metamethod lookup required? */ /* A check for NULL metatable is cheaper (hoistable) than a load. */ if (!mt) { TRef mtref = emitir(IRT(IR_FLOAD, IRT_TAB), ix->tab, IRFL_TAB_META); emitir(IRTG(IR_EQ, IRT_TAB), mtref, lj_ir_knull(J, IRT_TAB)); } else { IRType t = itype2irt(oldv); emitir(IRTG(loadop, t), xref, 0); /* Guard for non-nil value. */ } } } else { keybarrier = 0; /* Previous non-nil value kept the key alive. */ } if (tref_isinteger(ix->val)) /* Convert int to number before storing. */ ix->val = emitir(IRTN(IR_TONUM), ix->val, 0); emitir(IRT(loadop+IRDELTA_L2S, tref_type(ix->val)), xref, ix->val); if (keybarrier || tref_isgcv(ix->val)) emitir(IRT(IR_TBAR, IRT_NIL), ix->tab, 0); /* Invalidate neg. metamethod cache for stores with certain string keys. */ if (!nommstr(J, ix->key)) { TRef fref = emitir(IRT(IR_FREF, IRT_PTR), ix->tab, IRFL_TAB_NOMM); emitir(IRT(IR_FSTORE, IRT_U8), fref, lj_ir_kint(J, 0)); } J->needsnap = 1; return 0; } } /* -- Upvalue access ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Record upvalue load/store. */ static TRef rec_upvalue(jit_State *J, uint32_t uv, TRef val) { GCupval *uvp = &gcref(J->fn->l.uvptr[uv])->uv; TRef fn = getcurrf(J); IRRef uref; int needbarrier = 0; /* Note: this effectively limits LJ_MAX_UPVAL to 127. */ uv = (uv << 8) | (hashrot(uvp->dhash, uvp->dhash + HASH_BIAS) & 0xff); if (!uvp->closed) { /* In current stack? */ if (uvval(uvp) >= tvref(J->L->stack) && uvval(uvp) < tvref(J->L->maxstack)) { int32_t slot = (int32_t)(uvval(uvp) - (J->L->base - J->baseslot)); if (slot >= 0) { /* Aliases an SSA slot? */ slot -= (int32_t)J->baseslot; /* Note: slot number may be negative! */ /* NYI: add IR to guard that it's still aliasing the same slot. */ if (val == 0) { return getslot(J, slot); } else { J->base[slot] = val; if (slot >= (int32_t)J->maxslot) J->maxslot = (BCReg)(slot+1); return 0; } } } uref = tref_ref(emitir(IRTG(IR_UREFO, IRT_PTR), fn, uv)); } else { needbarrier = 1; uref = tref_ref(emitir(IRTG(IR_UREFC, IRT_PTR), fn, uv)); } if (val == 0) { /* Upvalue load */ IRType t = itype2irt(uvval(uvp)); TRef res = emitir(IRTG(IR_ULOAD, t), uref, 0); if (irtype_ispri(t)) res = TREF_PRI(t); /* Canonicalize primitive refs. */ return res; } else { /* Upvalue store. */ if (tref_isinteger(val)) /* Convert int to number before storing. */ val = emitir(IRTN(IR_TONUM), val, 0); emitir(IRT(IR_USTORE, tref_type(val)), uref, val); if (needbarrier && tref_isgcv(val)) emitir(IRT(IR_OBAR, IRT_NIL), uref, val); J->needsnap = 1; return 0; } } /* -- Fast function recording handlers ------------------------------------ */ /* Conventions for fast function call handlers: ** ** The argument slots start at J->base[0]. All of them are guaranteed to be ** valid and type-specialized references. J->base[J->maxslot] is set to 0 ** as a sentinel. The runtime argument values start at rd->argv[0]. ** ** In general fast functions should check for presence of all of their ** arguments and for the correct argument types. Some simplifications ** are allowed if the interpreter throws instead. But even if recording ** is aborted, the generated IR must be consistent (no zero-refs). ** ** The number of results in rd->nres is set to 1. Handlers that return ** a different number of results need to override it. A negative value ** prevents return processing (e.g. for pending calls). ** ** Results need to be stored starting at J->base[0]. Return processing ** moves them to the right slots later. ** ** The per-ffid auxiliary data is the value of the 2nd part of the ** LJLIB_REC() annotation. This allows handling similar functionality ** in a common handler. */ /* Data used by handlers to record a fast function. */ typedef struct RecordFFData { TValue *argv; /* Runtime argument values. */ ptrdiff_t nres; /* Number of returned results (defaults to 1). */ uint32_t data; /* Per-ffid auxiliary data (opcode, literal etc.). */ } RecordFFData; /* Type of handler to record a fast function. */ typedef void (LJ_FASTCALL *RecordFunc)(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd); /* Get runtime value of int argument. */ static int32_t argv2int(jit_State *J, TValue *o) { if (!tvisnum(o) && !(tvisstr(o) && lj_str_tonum(strV(o), o))) lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_BADTYPE); return lj_num2bit(numV(o)); } /* Get runtime value of string argument. */ static GCstr *argv2str(jit_State *J, TValue *o) { if (LJ_LIKELY(tvisstr(o))) { return strV(o); } else { GCstr *s; if (!tvisnum(o)) lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_BADTYPE); s = lj_str_fromnum(J->L, &o->n); setstrV(J->L, o, s); return s; } } /* Return number of results wanted by caller. */ static ptrdiff_t results_wanted(jit_State *J) { TValue *frame = J->L->base-1; if (frame_islua(frame)) return (ptrdiff_t)bc_b(frame_pc(frame)[-1]) - 1; else return -1; } /* Throw error for unsupported variant of fast function. */ LJ_NORET static void recff_nyiu(jit_State *J) { setfuncV(J->L, &J->errinfo, J->fn); lj_trace_err_info(J, LJ_TRERR_NYIFFU); } /* Fallback handler for all fast functions that are not recorded (yet). */ static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_nyi(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { setfuncV(J->L, &J->errinfo, J->fn); lj_trace_err_info(J, LJ_TRERR_NYIFF); UNUSED(rd); } /* C functions can have arbitrary side-effects and are not recorded (yet). */ static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_c(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { setfuncV(J->L, &J->errinfo, J->fn); lj_trace_err_info(J, LJ_TRERR_NYICF); UNUSED(rd); } /* -- Base library fast functions ----------------------------------------- */ static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_assert(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { /* Arguments already specialized. The interpreter throws for nil/false. */ rd->nres = J->maxslot; /* Pass through all arguments. */ } static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_type(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { /* Arguments already specialized. Result is a constant string. Neat, huh? */ IRType t = tref_isinteger(J->base[0]) ? IRT_NUM : tref_type(J->base[0]); J->base[0] = lj_ir_kstr(J, strV(&J->fn->c.upvalue[t])); UNUSED(rd); } static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_getmetatable(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { TRef tr = J->base[0]; if (tr) { RecordIndex ix; ix.tab = tr; copyTV(J->L, &ix.tabv, &rd->argv[0]); if (rec_mm_lookup(J, &ix, MM_metatable)) J->base[0] = ix.mobj; else J->base[0] = ix.mt; } /* else: Interpreter will throw. */ } static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_setmetatable(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { TRef tr = J->base[0]; TRef mt = J->base[1]; if (tref_istab(tr) && (tref_istab(mt) || (mt && tref_isnil(mt)))) { TRef fref, mtref; RecordIndex ix; ix.tab = tr; copyTV(J->L, &ix.tabv, &rd->argv[0]); rec_mm_lookup(J, &ix, MM_metatable); /* Guard for no __metatable field. */ fref = emitir(IRT(IR_FREF, IRT_PTR), tr, IRFL_TAB_META); mtref = tref_isnil(mt) ? lj_ir_knull(J, IRT_TAB) : mt; emitir(IRT(IR_FSTORE, IRT_TAB), fref, mtref); if (!tref_isnil(mt)) emitir(IRT(IR_TBAR, IRT_TAB), tr, 0); J->base[0] = tr; J->needsnap = 1; } /* else: Interpreter will throw. */ } static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_rawget(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { RecordIndex ix; ix.tab = J->base[0]; ix.key = J->base[1]; if (tref_istab(ix.tab) && ix.key) { ix.val = 0; ix.idxchain = 0; settabV(J->L, &ix.tabv, tabV(&rd->argv[0])); copyTV(J->L, &ix.keyv, &rd->argv[1]); J->base[0] = rec_idx(J, &ix); } /* else: Interpreter will throw. */ } static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_rawset(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { RecordIndex ix; ix.tab = J->base[0]; ix.key = J->base[1]; ix.val = J->base[2]; if (tref_istab(ix.tab) && ix.key && ix.val) { ix.idxchain = 0; settabV(J->L, &ix.tabv, tabV(&rd->argv[0])); copyTV(J->L, &ix.keyv, &rd->argv[1]); copyTV(J->L, &ix.valv, &rd->argv[2]); rec_idx(J, &ix); /* Pass through table at J->base[0] as result. */ } /* else: Interpreter will throw. */ } static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_rawequal(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { TRef tra = J->base[0]; TRef trb = J->base[1]; if (tra && trb) { int diff = rec_objcmp(J, tra, trb, &rd->argv[0], &rd->argv[1]); J->base[0] = diff ? TREF_FALSE : TREF_TRUE; } /* else: Interpreter will throw. */ } /* Determine mode of select() call. */ static int32_t select_mode(jit_State *J, TRef tr, TValue *tv) { if (tref_isstr(tr) && *strVdata(tv) == '#') { /* select('#', ...) */ if (strV(tv)->len == 1) { emitir(IRT(IR_EQ, IRT_STR), tr, lj_ir_kstr(J, strV(tv))); } else { TRef trptr = emitir(IRT(IR_STRREF, IRT_PTR), tr, 0); TRef trchar = emitir(IRT(IR_XLOAD, IRT_U8), trptr, IRXLOAD_READONLY); emitir(IRT(IR_EQ, IRT_INT), trchar, lj_ir_kint(J, '#')); } return 0; } else { /* select(n, ...) */ int32_t start = argv2int(J, tv); if (start == 0) lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_BADTYPE); /* A bit misleading. */ return start; } } static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_select(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { TRef tr = J->base[0]; if (tr) { ptrdiff_t start = select_mode(J, tr, &rd->argv[0]); if (start == 0) { /* select('#', ...) */ J->base[0] = lj_ir_kint(J, J->maxslot - 1); } else if (tref_isk(tr)) { /* select(k, ...) */ ptrdiff_t n = (ptrdiff_t)J->maxslot; if (start < 0) start += n; else if (start > n) start = n; rd->nres = n - start; if (start >= 1) { ptrdiff_t i; for (i = 0; i < n - start; i++) J->base[i] = J->base[start+i]; } /* else: Interpreter will throw. */ } else { recff_nyiu(J); } } /* else: Interpreter will throw. */ } static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_tonumber(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { TRef tr = J->base[0]; if (tref_isnumber_str(tr)) { TRef base = J->base[1]; if (base) { base = lj_ir_toint(J, base); if (!tref_isk(base) || IR(tref_ref(base))->i != 10) recff_nyiu(J); } if (tref_isstr(tr)) { TValue tmp; if (!lj_str_tonum(strV(&rd->argv[0]), &tmp)) recff_nyiu(J); /* Would need an inverted STRTO for this case. */ tr = emitir(IRTG(IR_STRTO, IRT_NUM), tr, 0); } } else { tr = TREF_NIL; } J->base[0] = tr; UNUSED(rd); } static TValue *recff_tostring_cp(lua_State *L, lua_CFunction dummy, void *ud) { jit_State *J = (jit_State *)ud; rec_tailcall(J, 0, 1); UNUSED(L); UNUSED(dummy); return NULL; } static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_tostring(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { TRef tr = J->base[0]; if (tref_isstr(tr)) { /* Ignore __tostring in the string base metatable. */ /* Pass on result in J->base[0]. */ } else { RecordIndex ix; ix.tab = tr; copyTV(J->L, &ix.tabv, &rd->argv[0]); if (rec_mm_lookup(J, &ix, MM_tostring)) { /* Has __tostring metamethod? */ int errcode; /* Temporarily insert metamethod below object. */ J->base[1] = tr; J->base[0] = ix.mobj; copyTV(J->L, &rd->argv[1], &rd->argv[0]); copyTV(J->L, &rd->argv[0], &ix.mobjv); /* Need to protect rec_tailcall because it may throw. */ errcode = lj_vm_cpcall(J->L, NULL, J, recff_tostring_cp); /* Always undo Lua stack changes to avoid confusing the interpreter. */ copyTV(J->L, &rd->argv[0], &rd->argv[1]); if (errcode) lj_err_throw(J->L, errcode); /* Propagate errors. */ rd->nres = -1; /* Pending call. */ } else if (tref_isnumber(tr)) { J->base[0] = emitir(IRT(IR_TOSTR, IRT_STR), tr, 0); } else if (tref_ispri(tr)) { J->base[0] = lj_ir_kstr(J, strV(&J->fn->c.upvalue[tref_type(tr)])); } else { recff_nyiu(J); } } } static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_ipairs_aux(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { RecordIndex ix; ix.tab = J->base[0]; if (tref_istab(ix.tab)) { if (!tvisnum(&rd->argv[1])) /* No support for string coercion. */ lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_BADTYPE); setnumV(&ix.keyv, numV(&rd->argv[1])+(lua_Number)1); settabV(J->L, &ix.tabv, tabV(&rd->argv[0])); ix.val = 0; ix.idxchain = 0; ix.key = lj_ir_toint(J, J->base[1]); J->base[0] = ix.key = emitir(IRTI(IR_ADD), ix.key, lj_ir_kint(J, 1)); J->base[1] = rec_idx(J, &ix); rd->nres = tref_isnil(J->base[1]) ? 0 : 2; } /* else: Interpreter will throw. */ } static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_ipairs(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { TRef tab = J->base[0]; if (tref_istab(tab)) { J->base[0] = lj_ir_kfunc(J, funcV(&J->fn->c.upvalue[0])); J->base[1] = tab; J->base[2] = lj_ir_kint(J, 0); rd->nres = 3; } /* else: Interpreter will throw. */ } static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_pcall(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { if (J->maxslot >= 1) { rec_call(J, 0, J->maxslot - 1); rd->nres = -1; /* Pending call. */ } /* else: Interpreter will throw. */ } static TValue *recff_xpcall_cp(lua_State *L, lua_CFunction dummy, void *ud) { jit_State *J = (jit_State *)ud; rec_call(J, 1, J->maxslot - 2); UNUSED(L); UNUSED(dummy); return NULL; } static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_xpcall(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { if (J->maxslot >= 2) { TValue argv0, argv1; TRef tmp; int errcode; /* Swap function and traceback. */ tmp = J->base[0]; J->base[0] = J->base[1]; J->base[1] = tmp; copyTV(J->L, &argv0, &rd->argv[0]); copyTV(J->L, &argv1, &rd->argv[1]); copyTV(J->L, &rd->argv[0], &argv1); copyTV(J->L, &rd->argv[1], &argv0); /* Need to protect rec_call because it may throw. */ errcode = lj_vm_cpcall(J->L, NULL, J, recff_xpcall_cp); /* Always undo Lua stack swap to avoid confusing the interpreter. */ copyTV(J->L, &rd->argv[0], &argv0); copyTV(J->L, &rd->argv[1], &argv1); if (errcode) lj_err_throw(J->L, errcode); /* Propagate errors. */ rd->nres = -1; /* Pending call. */ } /* else: Interpreter will throw. */ } /* -- Math library fast functions ----------------------------------------- */ static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_math_abs(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { TRef tr = lj_ir_tonum(J, J->base[0]); J->base[0] = emitir(IRTN(IR_ABS), tr, lj_ir_knum_abs(J)); UNUSED(rd); } /* Record rounding functions math.floor and math.ceil. */ static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_math_round(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { if (!tref_isinteger(J->base[0])) /* Pass through integers unmodified. */ J->base[0] = emitir(IRTN(IR_FPMATH), lj_ir_tonum(J, J->base[0]), rd->data); /* Note: result is integral (or NaN/Inf), but may not fit into an integer. */ } /* Record unary math.* functions, mapped to IR_FPMATH opcode. */ static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_math_unary(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { J->base[0] = emitir(IRTN(IR_FPMATH), lj_ir_tonum(J, J->base[0]), rd->data); } /* Record binary math.* functions math.atan2 and math.ldexp. */ static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_math_binary(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { TRef tr = lj_ir_tonum(J, J->base[0]); J->base[0] = emitir(IRTN(rd->data), tr, lj_ir_tonum(J, J->base[1])); } /* Record math.asin, math.acos, math.atan. */ static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_math_atrig(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { TRef y = lj_ir_tonum(J, J->base[0]); TRef x = lj_ir_knum_one(J); uint32_t ffid = rd->data; if (ffid != FF_math_atan) { TRef tmp = emitir(IRTN(IR_MUL), y, y); tmp = emitir(IRTN(IR_SUB), x, tmp); tmp = emitir(IRTN(IR_FPMATH), tmp, IRFPM_SQRT); if (ffid == FF_math_asin) { x = tmp; } else { x = y; y = tmp; } } J->base[0] = emitir(IRTN(IR_ATAN2), y, x); } static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_math_htrig(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { TRef tr = lj_ir_tonum(J, J->base[0]); J->base[0] = lj_ir_call(J, rd->data, tr); } static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_math_modf(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { TRef tr = J->base[0]; if (tref_isinteger(tr)) { J->base[0] = tr; J->base[1] = lj_ir_kint(J, 0); } else { TRef trt; tr = lj_ir_tonum(J, tr); trt = emitir(IRTN(IR_FPMATH), tr, IRFPM_TRUNC); J->base[0] = trt; J->base[1] = emitir(IRTN(IR_SUB), tr, trt); } rd->nres = 2; } static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_math_degrad(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { TRef tr = lj_ir_tonum(J, J->base[0]); TRef trm = lj_ir_knum(J, numV(&J->fn->c.upvalue[0])); J->base[0] = emitir(IRTN(IR_MUL), tr, trm); UNUSED(rd); } static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_math_pow(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { TRef tr = lj_ir_tonum(J, J->base[0]); if (!tref_isnumber_str(J->base[1])) lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_BADTYPE); J->base[0] = lj_opt_narrow_pow(J, tr, J->base[1], &rd->argv[1]); UNUSED(rd); } static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_math_minmax(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { TRef tr = lj_ir_tonum(J, J->base[0]); uint32_t op = rd->data; BCReg i; for (i = 1; J->base[i] != 0; i++) tr = emitir(IRTN(op), tr, lj_ir_tonum(J, J->base[i])); J->base[0] = tr; } static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_math_random(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { GCudata *ud = udataV(&J->fn->c.upvalue[0]); TRef tr, one; lj_ir_kgc(J, obj2gco(ud), IRT_UDATA); /* Prevent collection. */ tr = lj_ir_call(J, IRCALL_lj_math_random_step, lj_ir_kptr(J, uddata(ud))); one = lj_ir_knum_one(J); tr = emitir(IRTN(IR_SUB), tr, one); if (J->base[0]) { TRef tr1 = lj_ir_tonum(J, J->base[0]); if (J->base[1]) { /* d = floor(d*(r2-r1+1.0)) + r1 */ TRef tr2 = lj_ir_tonum(J, J->base[1]); tr2 = emitir(IRTN(IR_SUB), tr2, tr1); tr2 = emitir(IRTN(IR_ADD), tr2, one); tr = emitir(IRTN(IR_MUL), tr, tr2); tr = emitir(IRTN(IR_FPMATH), tr, IRFPM_FLOOR); tr = emitir(IRTN(IR_ADD), tr, tr1); } else { /* d = floor(d*r1) + 1.0 */ tr = emitir(IRTN(IR_MUL), tr, tr1); tr = emitir(IRTN(IR_FPMATH), tr, IRFPM_FLOOR); tr = emitir(IRTN(IR_ADD), tr, one); } } J->base[0] = tr; UNUSED(rd); } /* -- Bit library fast functions ------------------------------------------ */ /* Record unary bit.tobit, bit.bnot, bit.bswap. */ static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_bit_unary(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { TRef tr = lj_ir_tobit(J, J->base[0]); J->base[0] = (rd->data == IR_TOBIT) ? tr : emitir(IRTI(rd->data), tr, 0); } /* Record N-ary bit.band, bit.bor, bit.bxor. */ static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_bit_nary(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { TRef tr = lj_ir_tobit(J, J->base[0]); uint32_t op = rd->data; BCReg i; for (i = 1; J->base[i] != 0; i++) tr = emitir(IRTI(op), tr, lj_ir_tobit(J, J->base[i])); J->base[0] = tr; } /* Record bit shifts. */ static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_bit_shift(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { TRef tr = lj_ir_tobit(J, J->base[0]); TRef tsh = lj_ir_tobit(J, J->base[1]); if (!(rd->data < IR_BROL ? LJ_TARGET_MASKSHIFT : LJ_TARGET_MASKROT) && !tref_isk(tsh)) tsh = emitir(IRTI(IR_BAND), tsh, lj_ir_kint(J, 31)); J->base[0] = emitir(IRTI(rd->data), tr, tsh); } /* -- String library fast functions --------------------------------------- */ static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_string_len(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { J->base[0] = emitir(IRTI(IR_FLOAD), lj_ir_tostr(J, J->base[0]), IRFL_STR_LEN); UNUSED(rd); } /* Handle string.byte (rd->data = 0) and string.sub (rd->data = 1). */ static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_string_range(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { TRef trstr = lj_ir_tostr(J, J->base[0]); TRef trlen = emitir(IRTI(IR_FLOAD), trstr, IRFL_STR_LEN); TRef tr0 = lj_ir_kint(J, 0); TRef trstart, trend; GCstr *str = argv2str(J, &rd->argv[0]); int32_t start, end; if (rd->data) { /* string.sub(str, start [,end]) */ start = argv2int(J, &rd->argv[1]); trstart = lj_ir_toint(J, J->base[1]); trend = J->base[2]; if (tref_isnil(trend)) { trend = lj_ir_kint(J, -1); end = -1; } else { trend = lj_ir_toint(J, trend); end = argv2int(J, &rd->argv[2]); } } else { /* string.byte(str, [,start [,end]]) */ if (J->base[1]) { start = argv2int(J, &rd->argv[1]); trstart = lj_ir_toint(J, J->base[1]); trend = J->base[2]; if (tref_isnil(trend)) { trend = trstart; end = start; } else { trend = lj_ir_toint(J, trend); end = argv2int(J, &rd->argv[2]); } } else { trend = trstart = lj_ir_kint(J, 1); end = start = 1; } } if (end < 0) { emitir(IRTGI(IR_LT), trend, tr0); trend = emitir(IRTI(IR_ADD), emitir(IRTI(IR_ADD), trlen, trend), lj_ir_kint(J, 1)); end = end+(int32_t)str->len+1; } else if ((MSize)end <= str->len) { emitir(IRTGI(IR_ULE), trend, trlen); } else { emitir(IRTGI(IR_GT), trend, trlen); end = (int32_t)str->len; trend = trlen; } if (start < 0) { emitir(IRTGI(IR_LT), trstart, tr0); trstart = emitir(IRTI(IR_ADD), trlen, trstart); start = start+(int32_t)str->len; emitir(start < 0 ? IRTGI(IR_LT) : IRTGI(IR_GE), trstart, tr0); if (start < 0) { trstart = tr0; start = 0; } } else { if (start == 0) { emitir(IRTGI(IR_EQ), trstart, tr0); trstart = tr0; } else { trstart = emitir(IRTI(IR_ADD), trstart, lj_ir_kint(J, -1)); emitir(IRTGI(IR_GE), trstart, tr0); start--; } } if (rd->data) { /* Return string.sub result. */ if (end - start >= 0) { /* Also handle empty range here, to avoid extra traces. */ TRef trptr, trslen = emitir(IRTI(IR_SUB), trend, trstart); emitir(IRTGI(IR_GE), trslen, tr0); trptr = emitir(IRT(IR_STRREF, IRT_PTR), trstr, trstart); J->base[0] = emitir(IRT(IR_SNEW, IRT_STR), trptr, trslen); } else { /* Range underflow: return empty string. */ emitir(IRTGI(IR_LT), trend, trstart); J->base[0] = lj_ir_kstr(J, lj_str_new(J->L, strdata(str), 0)); } } else { /* Return string.byte result(s). */ ptrdiff_t i, len = end - start; if (len > 0) { TRef trslen = emitir(IRTI(IR_SUB), trend, trstart); emitir(IRTGI(IR_EQ), trslen, lj_ir_kint(J, (int32_t)len)); if (J->baseslot + len > LJ_MAX_JSLOTS) lj_trace_err_info(J, LJ_TRERR_STACKOV); rd->nres = len; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { TRef tmp = emitir(IRTI(IR_ADD), trstart, lj_ir_kint(J, (int32_t)i)); tmp = emitir(IRT(IR_STRREF, IRT_PTR), trstr, tmp); J->base[i] = emitir(IRT(IR_XLOAD, IRT_U8), tmp, IRXLOAD_READONLY); } } else { /* Empty range or range underflow: return no results. */ emitir(IRTGI(IR_LE), trend, trstart); rd->nres = 0; } } } /* -- Table library fast functions ---------------------------------------- */ static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_table_getn(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { if (tref_istab(J->base[0])) J->base[0] = lj_ir_call(J, IRCALL_lj_tab_len, J->base[0]); /* else: Interpreter will throw. */ UNUSED(rd); } static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_table_remove(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { TRef tab = J->base[0]; rd->nres = 0; if (tref_istab(tab)) { if (!J->base[1] || tref_isnil(J->base[1])) { /* Simple pop: t[#t] = nil */ TRef trlen = lj_ir_call(J, IRCALL_lj_tab_len, tab); GCtab *t = tabV(&rd->argv[0]); MSize len = lj_tab_len(t); emitir(IRTGI(len ? IR_NE : IR_EQ), trlen, lj_ir_kint(J, 0)); if (len) { RecordIndex ix; ix.tab = tab; ix.key = trlen; settabV(J->L, &ix.tabv, t); setintV(&ix.keyv, len); ix.idxchain = 0; if (results_wanted(J) != 0) { /* Specialize load only if needed. */ ix.val = 0; J->base[0] = rec_idx(J, &ix); /* Load previous value. */ rd->nres = 1; /* Assumes ix.key/ix.tab is not modified for raw rec_idx(). */ } ix.val = TREF_NIL; rec_idx(J, &ix); /* Remove value. */ } } else { /* Complex case: remove in the middle. */ recff_nyiu(J); } } /* else: Interpreter will throw. */ } static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_table_insert(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { RecordIndex ix; ix.tab = J->base[0]; ix.val = J->base[1]; rd->nres = 0; if (tref_istab(ix.tab) && ix.val) { if (!J->base[2]) { /* Simple push: t[#t+1] = v */ TRef trlen = lj_ir_call(J, IRCALL_lj_tab_len, ix.tab); GCtab *t = tabV(&rd->argv[0]); ix.key = emitir(IRTI(IR_ADD), trlen, lj_ir_kint(J, 1)); settabV(J->L, &ix.tabv, t); setintV(&ix.keyv, lj_tab_len(t) + 1); ix.idxchain = 0; rec_idx(J, &ix); /* Set new value. */ } else { /* Complex case: insert in the middle. */ recff_nyiu(J); } } /* else: Interpreter will throw. */ } /* -- I/O library fast functions ------------------------------------------ */ /* Get FILE* for I/O function. Any I/O error aborts recording, so there's ** no need to encode the alternate cases for any of the guards. */ static TRef recff_io_fp(jit_State *J, uint32_t id) { TRef tr, ud, fp; if (id) { /* io.func() */ tr = lj_ir_kptr(J, &J2G(J)->gcroot[id]); ud = emitir(IRT(IR_XLOAD, IRT_UDATA), tr, 0); } else { /* fp:method() */ ud = J->base[0]; if (!tref_isudata(ud)) lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_BADTYPE); tr = emitir(IRT(IR_FLOAD, IRT_U8), ud, IRFL_UDATA_UDTYPE); emitir(IRTGI(IR_EQ), tr, lj_ir_kint(J, UDTYPE_IO_FILE)); } fp = emitir(IRT(IR_FLOAD, IRT_LIGHTUD), ud, IRFL_UDATA_FILE); emitir(IRTG(IR_NE, IRT_LIGHTUD), fp, lj_ir_knull(J, IRT_LIGHTUD)); return fp; } static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_io_write(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { TRef fp = recff_io_fp(J, rd->data); TRef zero = lj_ir_kint(J, 0); TRef one = lj_ir_kint(J, 1); ptrdiff_t i = rd->data == 0 ? 1 : 0; for (; J->base[i]; i++) { TRef str = lj_ir_tostr(J, J->base[i]); TRef buf = emitir(IRT(IR_STRREF, IRT_PTR), str, zero); TRef len = emitir(IRTI(IR_FLOAD), str, IRFL_STR_LEN); if (tref_isk(len) && IR(tref_ref(len))->i == 1) { TRef tr = emitir(IRT(IR_XLOAD, IRT_U8), buf, IRXLOAD_READONLY); tr = lj_ir_call(J, IRCALL_fputc, tr, fp); if (results_wanted(J) != 0) /* Check result only if not ignored. */ emitir(IRTGI(IR_NE), tr, lj_ir_kint(J, -1)); } else { TRef tr = lj_ir_call(J, IRCALL_fwrite, buf, one, len, fp); if (results_wanted(J) != 0) /* Check result only if not ignored. */ emitir(IRTGI(IR_EQ), tr, len); } } J->base[0] = TREF_TRUE; } static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_io_flush(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd) { TRef fp = recff_io_fp(J, rd->data); TRef tr = lj_ir_call(J, IRCALL_fflush, fp); if (results_wanted(J) != 0) /* Check result only if not ignored. */ emitir(IRTGI(IR_EQ), tr, lj_ir_kint(J, 0)); J->base[0] = TREF_TRUE; } /* -- Record calls to fast functions -------------------------------------- */ #include "lj_recdef.h" static uint32_t recdef_lookup(GCfunc *fn) { if (fn->c.ffid < sizeof(recff_idmap)/sizeof(recff_idmap[0])) return recff_idmap[fn->c.ffid]; else return 0; } /* Record entry to a fast function or C function. */ static void rec_func_ff(jit_State *J) { RecordFFData rd; uint32_t m = recdef_lookup(J->fn); rd.data = m & 0xff; rd.nres = 1; /* Default is one result. */ rd.argv = J->L->base; J->base[J->maxslot] = 0; /* Mark end of arguments. */ (recff_func[m >> 8])(J, &rd); /* Call recff_* handler. */ if (rd.nres >= 0) rec_ret(J, 0, rd.nres); } /* -- Record calls to Lua functions --------------------------------------- */ /* Check unroll limits for calls. */ static void check_call_unroll(jit_State *J) { IRRef fref = tref_ref(J->base[-1]); int32_t count = 0; BCReg s; for (s = J->baseslot - 1; s > 0; s--) if ((J->slot[s] & TREF_FRAME) && tref_ref(J->slot[s]) == fref) count++; if (J->pc == J->startpc) { if (count + J->tailcalled > J->param[JIT_P_recunroll]) { J->pc++; rec_stop(J, J->cur.traceno); /* Up-recursion or tail-recursion. */ } } else { if (count > J->param[JIT_P_callunroll]) lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_CUNROLL); } } /* Record Lua function setup. */ static void rec_func_setup(jit_State *J) { GCproto *pt = J->pt; BCReg s, numparams = pt->numparams; if ((pt->flags & PROTO_NO_JIT)) lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_CJITOFF); if (J->baseslot + pt->framesize >= LJ_MAX_JSLOTS) lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_STACKOV); /* Fill up missing parameters with nil. */ for (s = J->maxslot; s < numparams; s++) J->base[s] = TREF_NIL; /* The remaining slots should never be read before they are written. */ J->maxslot = numparams; } /* Record Lua vararg function setup. */ static void rec_func_vararg(jit_State *J) { GCproto *pt = J->pt; BCReg s, fixargs, vframe = J->maxslot+1; lua_assert((pt->flags & PROTO_IS_VARARG)); if (J->baseslot + vframe + pt->framesize >= LJ_MAX_JSLOTS) lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_STACKOV); J->base[vframe-1] = J->base[-1]; /* Copy function up. */ /* Copy fixarg slots up and set their original slots to nil. */ fixargs = pt->numparams < J->maxslot ? pt->numparams : J->maxslot; for (s = 0; s < fixargs; s++) { J->base[vframe+s] = J->base[s]; J->base[s] = TREF_NIL; } J->maxslot = fixargs; J->framedepth++; J->base += vframe; J->baseslot += vframe; } /* Record entry to a Lua function. */ static void rec_func_lua(jit_State *J) { rec_func_setup(J); check_call_unroll(J); } /* Record entry to an already compiled function. */ static void rec_func_jit(jit_State *J, TraceNo lnk) { rec_func_setup(J); J->instunroll = 0; /* Cannot continue across a compiled function. */ if (J->pc == J->startpc && J->framedepth + J->retdepth == 0) lnk = J->cur.traceno; /* Can form an extra tail-recursive loop. */ rec_stop(J, lnk); /* Link to the function. */ } /* -- Vararg handling ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* Detect y = select(x, ...) idiom. */ static int select_detect(jit_State *J) { BCIns ins = J->pc[1]; if (bc_op(ins) == BC_CALLM && bc_b(ins) == 2 && bc_c(ins) == 1) { cTValue *func = &J->L->base[bc_a(ins)]; if (tvisfunc(func) && funcV(func)->c.ffid == FF_select) return 1; } return 0; } /* Record vararg instruction. */ static void rec_varg(jit_State *J, BCReg dst, ptrdiff_t nresults) { int32_t numparams = J->pt->numparams; ptrdiff_t nvararg = frame_delta(J->L->base-1) - numparams - 1; lua_assert(frame_isvarg(J->L->base-1)); if (J->framedepth > 0) { /* Simple case: varargs defined on-trace. */ ptrdiff_t i; if (nvararg < 0) nvararg = 0; if (nresults == -1) { nresults = nvararg; J->maxslot = dst + (BCReg)nvararg; } else if (dst + nresults > J->maxslot) { J->maxslot = dst + (BCReg)nresults; } for (i = 0; i < nresults; i++) { J->base[dst+i] = i < nvararg ? J->base[i - nvararg - 1] : TREF_NIL; lua_assert(J->base[dst+i] != 0); } } else { /* Unknown number of varargs passed to trace. */ TRef fr = emitir(IRTI(IR_SLOAD), 0, IRSLOAD_READONLY|IRSLOAD_FRAME); int32_t frofs = 8*(1+numparams)+FRAME_VARG; if (nresults >= 0) { /* Known fixed number of results. */ ptrdiff_t i; if (nvararg > 0) { ptrdiff_t nload = nvararg >= nresults ? nresults : nvararg; TRef vbase; if (nvararg >= nresults) emitir(IRTGI(IR_GE), fr, lj_ir_kint(J, frofs+8*(int32_t)nresults)); else emitir(IRTGI(IR_EQ), fr, lj_ir_kint(J, frame_ftsz(J->L->base-1))); vbase = emitir(IRTI(IR_SUB), REF_BASE, fr); vbase = emitir(IRT(IR_ADD, IRT_PTR), vbase, lj_ir_kint(J, frofs-8)); for (i = 0; i < nload; i++) { IRType t = itype2irt(&J->L->base[i-1-nvararg]); TRef aref = emitir(IRT(IR_AREF, IRT_PTR), vbase, lj_ir_kint(J, (int32_t)i)); TRef tr = emitir(IRTG(IR_VLOAD, t), aref, 0); if (irtype_ispri(t)) tr = TREF_PRI(t); /* Canonicalize primitives. */ J->base[dst+i] = tr; } } else { emitir(IRTGI(IR_LE), fr, lj_ir_kint(J, frofs)); nvararg = 0; } for (i = nvararg; i < nresults; i++) J->base[dst+i] = TREF_NIL; if (dst + (BCReg)nresults > J->maxslot) J->maxslot = dst + (BCReg)nresults; } else if (select_detect(J)) { /* y = select(x, ...) */ TRef tridx = J->base[dst-1]; TRef tr = TREF_NIL; ptrdiff_t idx = select_mode(J, tridx, &J->L->base[dst-1]); if (idx < 0) goto nyivarg; if (idx != 0 && tref_isk(tridx)) { emitir(IRTGI(idx <= nvararg ? IR_GE : IR_LT), fr, lj_ir_kint(J, frofs+8*(int32_t)idx)); frofs -= 8; /* Bias for 1-based index. */ } else if (idx <= nvararg) { /* Compute size. */ TRef tmp = emitir(IRTI(IR_ADD), fr, lj_ir_kint(J, -frofs)); if (numparams) emitir(IRTGI(IR_GE), tmp, lj_ir_kint(J, 0)); tr = emitir(IRTI(IR_BSHR), tmp, lj_ir_kint(J, 3)); if (idx != 0) { tridx = emitir(IRTI(IR_ADD), tridx, lj_ir_kint(J, -1)); rec_idx_abc(J, tr, tridx, (uint32_t)nvararg); } } else { TRef tmp = lj_ir_kint(J, frofs); if (idx != 0) { TRef tmp2 = emitir(IRTI(IR_BSHL), tridx, lj_ir_kint(J, 3)); tmp = emitir(IRTI(IR_ADD), tmp2, tmp); } else { tr = lj_ir_kint(J, 0); } emitir(IRTGI(IR_LT), fr, tmp); } if (idx != 0 && idx <= nvararg) { IRType t; TRef aref, vbase = emitir(IRTI(IR_SUB), REF_BASE, fr); vbase = emitir(IRT(IR_ADD, IRT_PTR), vbase, lj_ir_kint(J, frofs-8)); t = itype2irt(&J->L->base[idx-2-nvararg]); aref = emitir(IRT(IR_AREF, IRT_PTR), vbase, tridx); tr = emitir(IRTG(IR_VLOAD, t), aref, 0); if (irtype_ispri(t)) tr = TREF_PRI(t); /* Canonicalize primitives. */ } J->base[dst-2] = tr; J->maxslot = dst-1; J->bcskip = 2; /* Skip CALLM + select. */ } else { nyivarg: setintV(&J->errinfo, BC_VARG); lj_trace_err_info(J, LJ_TRERR_NYIBC); } } } /* -- Record allocations -------------------------------------------------- */ static TRef rec_tnew(jit_State *J, uint32_t ah) { uint32_t asize = ah & 0x7ff; uint32_t hbits = ah >> 11; if (asize == 0x7ff) asize = 0x801; return emitir(IRTG(IR_TNEW, IRT_TAB), asize, hbits); } /* -- Record bytecode ops ------------------------------------------------- */ /* Prepare for comparison. */ static void rec_comp_prep(jit_State *J) { /* Prevent merging with snapshot #0 (GC exit) since we fixup the PC. */ if (J->cur.nsnap == 1 && J->cur.snap[0].ref == J->cur.nins) emitir_raw(IRT(IR_NOP, IRT_NIL), 0, 0); lj_snap_add(J); } /* Fixup comparison. */ static void rec_comp_fixup(jit_State *J, int cond) { BCIns jmpins = J->pc[1]; const BCIns *npc = J->pc + 2 + (cond ? bc_j(jmpins) : 0); SnapShot *snap = &J->cur.snap[J->cur.nsnap-1]; /* Set PC to opposite target to avoid re-recording the comp. in side trace. */ J->cur.snapmap[snap->mapofs + snap->nent] = SNAP_MKPC(npc); J->needsnap = 1; /* Shrink last snapshot if possible. */ if (bc_a(jmpins) < J->maxslot) { J->maxslot = bc_a(jmpins); lj_snap_shrink(J); } } /* Record the next bytecode instruction (_before_ it's executed). */ void lj_record_ins(jit_State *J) { cTValue *lbase; RecordIndex ix; const BCIns *pc; BCIns ins; BCOp op; TRef ra, rb, rc; /* Need snapshot before recording next bytecode (e.g. after a store). */ if (J->needsnap) { J->needsnap = 0; lj_snap_add(J); J->mergesnap = 1; } /* Skip some bytecodes. */ if (LJ_UNLIKELY(J->bcskip > 0)) { J->bcskip--; return; } /* Record only closed loops for root traces. */ pc = J->pc; if (J->framedepth == 0 && (MSize)((char *)pc - (char *)J->bc_min) >= J->bc_extent) lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_LLEAVE); #ifdef LUA_USE_ASSERT rec_check_slots(J); rec_check_ir(J); #endif /* Keep a copy of the runtime values of var/num/str operands. */ #define rav (&ix.valv) #define rbv (&ix.tabv) #define rcv (&ix.keyv) lbase = J->L->base; ins = *pc; op = bc_op(ins); ra = bc_a(ins); ix.val = 0; switch (bcmode_a(op)) { case BCMvar: copyTV(J->L, rav, &lbase[ra]); ix.val = ra = getslot(J, ra); break; default: break; /* Handled later. */ } rb = bc_b(ins); rc = bc_c(ins); switch (bcmode_b(op)) { case BCMnone: rb = 0; rc = bc_d(ins); break; /* Upgrade rc to 'rd'. */ case BCMvar: copyTV(J->L, rbv, &lbase[rb]); ix.tab = rb = getslot(J, rb); break; case BCMnum: { lua_Number n = proto_knum(J->pt, rb); setnumV(rbv, n); ix.tab = rb = lj_ir_knumint(J, n); } break; default: break; /* Handled later. */ } switch (bcmode_c(op)) { case BCMvar: copyTV(J->L, rcv, &lbase[rc]); ix.key = rc = getslot(J, rc); break; case BCMpri: setitype(rcv, ~rc); rc = TREF_PRI(IRT_NIL+rc); break; case BCMnum: { lua_Number n = proto_knum(J->pt, rc); setnumV(rcv, n); ix.key = rc = lj_ir_knumint(J, n); } break; case BCMstr: { GCstr *s = gco2str(proto_kgc(J->pt, ~(ptrdiff_t)rc)); setstrV(J->L, rcv, s); ix.key = rc = lj_ir_kstr(J, s); } break; default: break; /* Handled later. */ } switch (op) { /* -- Comparison ops ---------------------------------------------------- */ case BC_ISLT: case BC_ISGE: case BC_ISLE: case BC_ISGT: /* Emit nothing for two numeric or string consts. */ if (!(tref_isk2(ra,rc) && tref_isnumber_str(ra) && tref_isnumber_str(rc))) { IRType ta = tref_isinteger(ra) ? IRT_INT : tref_type(ra); IRType tc = tref_isinteger(rc) ? IRT_INT : tref_type(rc); int irop; if (ta != tc) { /* Widen mixed number/int comparisons to number/number comparison. */ if (ta == IRT_INT && tc == IRT_NUM) { ra = emitir(IRTN(IR_TONUM), ra, 0); ta = IRT_NUM; } else if (ta == IRT_NUM && tc == IRT_INT) { rc = emitir(IRTN(IR_TONUM), rc, 0); } else if (!((ta == IRT_FALSE || ta == IRT_TRUE) && (tc == IRT_FALSE || tc == IRT_TRUE))) { break; /* Interpreter will throw for two different types. */ } } rec_comp_prep(J); irop = (int)op - (int)BC_ISLT + (int)IR_LT; if (ta == IRT_NUM) { if ((irop & 1)) irop ^= 4; /* ISGE/ISGT are unordered. */ if (!lj_ir_numcmp(numV(rav), numV(rcv), (IROp)irop)) irop ^= 5; } else if (ta == IRT_INT) { if (!lj_ir_numcmp(numV(rav), numV(rcv), (IROp)irop)) irop ^= 1; } else if (ta == IRT_STR) { if (!lj_ir_strcmp(strV(rav), strV(rcv), (IROp)irop)) irop ^= 1; ra = lj_ir_call(J, IRCALL_lj_str_cmp, ra, rc); rc = lj_ir_kint(J, 0); ta = IRT_INT; } else { rec_mm_comp(J, &ix, (int)op); break; } emitir(IRTG(irop, ta), ra, rc); rec_comp_fixup(J, ((int)op ^ irop) & 1); } break; case BC_ISEQV: case BC_ISNEV: case BC_ISEQS: case BC_ISNES: case BC_ISEQN: case BC_ISNEN: case BC_ISEQP: case BC_ISNEP: /* Emit nothing for two non-table, non-udata consts. */ if (!(tref_isk2(ra, rc) && !(tref_istab(ra) || tref_isudata(ra)))) { int diff; rec_comp_prep(J); diff = rec_objcmp(J, ra, rc, rav, rcv); if (diff == 1 && (tref_istab(ra) || tref_isudata(ra))) { /* Only check __eq if different, but the same type (table or udata). */ rec_mm_equal(J, &ix, (int)op); break; } rec_comp_fixup(J, ((int)op & 1) == !diff); } break; /* -- Unary test and copy ops ------------------------------------------- */ case BC_ISTC: case BC_ISFC: if ((op & 1) == tref_istruecond(rc)) rc = 0; /* Don't store if condition is not true. */ /* fallthrough */ case BC_IST: case BC_ISF: /* Type specialization suffices. */ if (bc_a(pc[1]) < J->maxslot) J->maxslot = bc_a(pc[1]); /* Shrink used slots. */ break; /* -- Unary ops --------------------------------------------------------- */ case BC_NOT: /* Type specialization already forces const result. */ rc = tref_istruecond(rc) ? TREF_FALSE : TREF_TRUE; break; case BC_LEN: if (tref_isstr(rc)) { rc = emitir(IRTI(IR_FLOAD), rc, IRFL_STR_LEN); } else if (tref_istab(rc)) { rc = lj_ir_call(J, IRCALL_lj_tab_len, rc); } else { ix.tab = rc; copyTV(J->L, &ix.tabv, &ix.keyv); ix.key = TREF_NIL; setnilV(&ix.keyv); rc = rec_mm_arith(J, &ix, MM_len); } break; /* -- Arithmetic ops ---------------------------------------------------- */ case BC_UNM: if (tref_isnumber_str(rc)) { rc = lj_ir_tonum(J, rc); rc = emitir(IRTN(IR_NEG), rc, lj_ir_knum_neg(J)); } else { ix.tab = rc; copyTV(J->L, &ix.tabv, &ix.keyv); rc = rec_mm_arith(J, &ix, MM_unm); } break; case BC_ADDNV: case BC_SUBNV: case BC_MULNV: case BC_DIVNV: case BC_MODNV: ix.tab = rc; ix.key = rc = rb; rb = ix.tab; copyTV(J->L, &ix.valv, &ix.tabv); copyTV(J->L, &ix.tabv, &ix.keyv); copyTV(J->L, &ix.keyv, &ix.valv); if (op == BC_MODNV) goto recmod; /* fallthrough */ case BC_ADDVN: case BC_SUBVN: case BC_MULVN: case BC_DIVVN: case BC_ADDVV: case BC_SUBVV: case BC_MULVV: case BC_DIVVV: { MMS mm = bcmode_mm(op); if (tref_isnumber_str(rb) && tref_isnumber_str(rc)) { rb = lj_ir_tonum(J, rb); rc = lj_ir_tonum(J, rc); rc = emitir(IRTN((int)mm - (int)MM_add + (int)IR_ADD), rb, rc); } else { rc = rec_mm_arith(J, &ix, mm); } break; } case BC_MODVN: case BC_MODVV: recmod: if (tref_isnumber_str(rb) && tref_isnumber_str(rc)) rc = lj_opt_narrow_mod(J, rb, rc); else rc = rec_mm_arith(J, &ix, MM_mod); break; case BC_POW: if (tref_isnumber_str(rb) && tref_isnumber_str(rc)) rc = lj_opt_narrow_pow(J, lj_ir_tonum(J, rb), rc, rcv); else rc = rec_mm_arith(J, &ix, MM_pow); break; /* -- Constant and move ops --------------------------------------------- */ case BC_MOV: /* Clear gap of method call to avoid resurrecting previous refs. */ if (ra > J->maxslot) J->base[ra-1] = 0; break; case BC_KSTR: case BC_KNUM: case BC_KPRI: break; case BC_KSHORT: rc = lj_ir_kint(J, (int32_t)(int16_t)rc); break; case BC_KNIL: while (ra <= rc) J->base[ra++] = TREF_NIL; if (rc >= J->maxslot) J->maxslot = rc+1; break; /* -- Upvalue and function ops ------------------------------------------ */ case BC_UGET: rc = rec_upvalue(J, rc, 0); break; case BC_USETV: case BC_USETS: case BC_USETN: case BC_USETP: rec_upvalue(J, ra, rc); break; /* -- Table ops --------------------------------------------------------- */ case BC_GGET: case BC_GSET: settabV(J->L, &ix.tabv, tabref(J->fn->l.env)); ix.tab = emitir(IRT(IR_FLOAD, IRT_TAB), getcurrf(J), IRFL_FUNC_ENV); ix.idxchain = LJ_MAX_IDXCHAIN; rc = rec_idx(J, &ix); break; case BC_TGETB: case BC_TSETB: setintV(&ix.keyv, (int32_t)rc); ix.key = lj_ir_kint(J, (int32_t)rc); /* fallthrough */ case BC_TGETV: case BC_TGETS: case BC_TSETV: case BC_TSETS: ix.idxchain = LJ_MAX_IDXCHAIN; rc = rec_idx(J, &ix); break; case BC_TNEW: rc = rec_tnew(J, rc); break; case BC_TDUP: rc = emitir(IRTG(IR_TDUP, IRT_TAB), lj_ir_ktab(J, gco2tab(proto_kgc(J->pt, ~(ptrdiff_t)rc))), 0); break; /* -- Calls and vararg handling ----------------------------------------- */ case BC_ITERC: J->base[ra] = getslot(J, ra-3); J->base[ra+1] = getslot(J, ra-2); J->base[ra+2] = getslot(J, ra-1); { /* Have to do the actual copy now because rec_call needs the values. */ TValue *b = &J->L->base[ra]; copyTV(J->L, b, b-3); copyTV(J->L, b+1, b-2); copyTV(J->L, b+2, b-1); } rec_call(J, ra, (ptrdiff_t)rc-1); break; /* L->top is set to L->base+ra+rc+NARGS-1+1. See lj_dispatch_ins(). */ case BC_CALLM: rc = (BCReg)(J->L->top - J->L->base) - ra; /* fallthrough */ case BC_CALL: rec_call(J, ra, (ptrdiff_t)rc-1); break; case BC_CALLMT: rc = (BCReg)(J->L->top - J->L->base) - ra; /* fallthrough */ case BC_CALLT: rec_tailcall(J, ra, (ptrdiff_t)rc-1); break; case BC_VARG: rec_varg(J, ra, (ptrdiff_t)rb-1); break; /* -- Returns ----------------------------------------------------------- */ case BC_RETM: /* L->top is set to L->base+ra+rc+NRESULTS-1, see lj_dispatch_ins(). */ rc = (BCReg)(J->L->top - J->L->base) - ra + 1; /* fallthrough */ case BC_RET: case BC_RET0: case BC_RET1: rec_ret(J, ra, (ptrdiff_t)rc-1); break; /* -- Loops and branches ------------------------------------------------ */ case BC_FORI: if (rec_for(J, pc, 0) != LOOPEV_LEAVE) J->loopref = J->cur.nins; break; case BC_JFORI: lua_assert(bc_op(pc[(ptrdiff_t)rc-BCBIAS_J]) == BC_JFORL); if (rec_for(J, pc, 0) != LOOPEV_LEAVE) /* Link to existing loop. */ rec_stop(J, bc_d(pc[(ptrdiff_t)rc-BCBIAS_J])); /* Continue tracing if the loop is not entered. */ break; case BC_FORL: rec_loop_interp(J, pc, rec_for(J, pc+((ptrdiff_t)rc-BCBIAS_J), 1)); break; case BC_ITERL: rec_loop_interp(J, pc, rec_iterl(J, *pc)); break; case BC_LOOP: rec_loop_interp(J, pc, rec_loop(J, ra)); break; case BC_JFORL: rec_loop_jit(J, rc, rec_for(J, pc+bc_j(traceref(J, rc)->startins), 1)); break; case BC_JITERL: rec_loop_jit(J, rc, rec_iterl(J, traceref(J, rc)->startins)); break; case BC_JLOOP: rec_loop_jit(J, rc, rec_loop(J, ra)); break; case BC_IFORL: case BC_IITERL: case BC_ILOOP: case BC_IFUNCF: case BC_IFUNCV: lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_BLACKL); break; case BC_JMP: if (ra < J->maxslot) J->maxslot = ra; /* Shrink used slots. */ break; /* -- Function headers -------------------------------------------------- */ case BC_FUNCF: rec_func_lua(J); break; case BC_JFUNCF: rec_func_jit(J, rc); break; case BC_FUNCV: rec_func_vararg(J); rec_func_lua(J); break; case BC_JFUNCV: lua_assert(0); /* Cannot happen. No hotcall counting for varag funcs. */ break; case BC_FUNCC: case BC_FUNCCW: rec_func_ff(J); break; default: if (op >= BC__MAX) { rec_func_ff(J); break; } /* fallthrough */ case BC_ITERN: case BC_ISNEXT: case BC_CAT: case BC_UCLO: case BC_FNEW: case BC_TSETM: setintV(&J->errinfo, (int32_t)op); lj_trace_err_info(J, LJ_TRERR_NYIBC); break; } /* rc == 0 if we have no result yet, e.g. pending __index metamethod call. */ if (bcmode_a(op) == BCMdst && rc) { J->base[ra] = rc; if (ra >= J->maxslot) J->maxslot = ra+1; } #undef rav #undef rbv #undef rcv /* Limit the number of recorded IR instructions. */ if (J->cur.nins > REF_FIRST+(IRRef)J->param[JIT_P_maxrecord]) lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_TRACEOV); } /* -- Recording setup ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* Setup recording for a FORL loop. */ static void rec_setup_forl(jit_State *J, const BCIns *fori) { BCReg ra = bc_a(*fori); cTValue *forbase = &J->L->base[ra]; IRType t = (J->flags & JIT_F_OPT_NARROW) ? lj_opt_narrow_forl(forbase) : IRT_NUM; TRef start; TRef stop = fori_arg(J, fori, ra+FORL_STOP, t); TRef step = fori_arg(J, fori, ra+FORL_STEP, t); int dir = (0 <= numV(&forbase[FORL_STEP])); lua_assert(bc_op(*fori) == BC_FORI || bc_op(*fori) == BC_JFORI); J->scev.t.irt = t; J->scev.dir = dir; J->scev.stop = tref_ref(stop); J->scev.step = tref_ref(step); if (!tref_isk(step)) { /* Non-constant step: need a guard for the direction. */ TRef zero = (t == IRT_INT) ? lj_ir_kint(J, 0) : lj_ir_knum_zero(J); emitir(IRTG(dir ? IR_GE : IR_LT, t), step, zero); /* Add hoistable overflow checks for a narrowed FORL index. */ if (t == IRT_INT) { if (tref_isk(stop)) { /* Constant stop: optimize check away or to a range check for step. */ int32_t k = IR(tref_ref(stop))->i; if (dir) { if (k > 0) emitir(IRTGI(IR_LE), step, lj_ir_kint(J, (int32_t)0x7fffffff-k)); } else { if (k < 0) emitir(IRTGI(IR_GE), step, lj_ir_kint(J, (int32_t)0x80000000-k)); } } else { /* Stop+step variable: need full overflow check (with dead result). */ emitir(IRTGI(IR_ADDOV), step, stop); } } } else if (t == IRT_INT && !tref_isk(stop)) { /* Constant step: optimize overflow check to a range check for stop. */ int32_t k = IR(tref_ref(step))->i; k = (int32_t)(dir ? 0x7fffffff : 0x80000000) - k; emitir(IRTGI(dir ? IR_LE : IR_GE), stop, lj_ir_kint(J, k)); } J->scev.start = tref_ref(find_kinit(J, fori, ra+FORL_IDX, IRT_INT)); start = sloadt(J, (int32_t)(ra+FORL_IDX), (t == IRT_INT && !J->scev.start) ? (IRT_INT|IRT_GUARD) : t, t == IRT_INT ? (IRSLOAD_CONVERT|IRSLOAD_INHERIT) : IRSLOAD_INHERIT); J->base[ra+FORL_EXT] = start; J->scev.idx = tref_ref(start); J->maxslot = ra+FORL_EXT+1; } /* Setup recording for a root trace started by a hot loop. */ static const BCIns *rec_setup_root(jit_State *J) { /* Determine the next PC and the bytecode range for the loop. */ const BCIns *pcj, *pc = J->pc; BCIns ins = *pc; BCReg ra = bc_a(ins); switch (bc_op(ins)) { case BC_FORL: J->bc_extent = (MSize)(-bc_j(ins))*sizeof(BCIns); pc += 1+bc_j(ins); J->bc_min = pc; break; case BC_ITERL: lua_assert(bc_op(pc[-1]) == BC_ITERC); J->maxslot = ra + bc_b(pc[-1]) - 1; J->bc_extent = (MSize)(-bc_j(ins))*sizeof(BCIns); pc += 1+bc_j(ins); lua_assert(bc_op(pc[-1]) == BC_JMP); J->bc_min = pc; break; case BC_LOOP: /* Only check BC range for real loops, but not for "repeat until true". */ pcj = pc + bc_j(ins); ins = *pcj; if (bc_op(ins) == BC_JMP && bc_j(ins) < 0) { J->bc_min = pcj+1 + bc_j(ins); J->bc_extent = (MSize)(-bc_j(ins))*sizeof(BCIns); } J->maxslot = ra; pc++; break; case BC_RET: case BC_RET0: case BC_RET1: /* No bytecode range check for down-recursive root traces. */ J->maxslot = ra + bc_d(ins); break; case BC_FUNCF: /* No bytecode range check for root traces started by a hot call. */ J->maxslot = J->pt->numparams; pc++; break; default: lua_assert(0); break; } return pc; } /* Setup recording for a side trace. */ static void rec_setup_side(jit_State *J, GCtrace *T) { SnapShot *snap = &T->snap[J->exitno]; SnapEntry *map = &T->snapmap[snap->mapofs]; MSize n, nent = snap->nent; BloomFilter seen = 0; /* Emit IR for slots inherited from parent snapshot. */ for (n = 0; n < nent; n++) { SnapEntry sn = map[n]; IRRef ref = snap_ref(sn); BCReg s = snap_slot(sn); IRIns *ir = &T->ir[ref]; TRef tr; /* The bloom filter avoids O(nent^2) overhead for de-duping slots. */ if (bloomtest(seen, ref)) { MSize j; for (j = 0; j < n; j++) if (snap_ref(map[j]) == ref) { tr = J->slot[snap_slot(map[j])]; goto setslot; } } bloomset(seen, ref); switch ((IROp)ir->o) { /* Only have to deal with constants that can occur in stack slots. */ case IR_KPRI: tr = TREF_PRI(irt_type(ir->t)); break; case IR_KINT: tr = lj_ir_kint(J, ir->i); break; case IR_KGC: tr = lj_ir_kgc(J, ir_kgc(ir), irt_t(ir->t)); break; case IR_KNUM: tr = lj_ir_knum_addr(J, ir_knum(ir)); break; case IR_KPTR: tr = lj_ir_kptr(J, ir_kptr(ir)); break; /* Continuation. */ /* Inherited SLOADs don't need a guard or type check. */ case IR_SLOAD: tr = emitir_raw(ir->ot & ~IRT_GUARD, s, (ir->op2&IRSLOAD_READONLY) | IRSLOAD_INHERIT|IRSLOAD_PARENT); break; /* Parent refs are already typed and don't need a guard. */ default: tr = emitir_raw(IRT(IR_SLOAD, irt_type(ir->t)), s, IRSLOAD_INHERIT|IRSLOAD_PARENT); break; } setslot: J->slot[s] = tr | (sn&(SNAP_CONT|SNAP_FRAME)); /* Same as TREF_* flags. */ if ((sn & SNAP_FRAME)) J->baseslot = s+1; } J->base = J->slot + J->baseslot; J->maxslot = snap->nslots - J->baseslot; J->framedepth = snap->depth; lj_snap_add(J); } /* Setup for recording a new trace. */ void lj_record_setup(jit_State *J) { uint32_t i; /* Initialize state related to current trace. */ memset(J->slot, 0, sizeof(J->slot)); memset(J->chain, 0, sizeof(J->chain)); memset(J->bpropcache, 0, sizeof(J->bpropcache)); J->scev.idx = REF_NIL; J->baseslot = 1; /* Invoking function is at base[-1]. */ J->base = J->slot + J->baseslot; J->maxslot = 0; J->framedepth = 0; J->retdepth = 0; J->instunroll = J->param[JIT_P_instunroll]; J->loopunroll = J->param[JIT_P_loopunroll]; J->tailcalled = 0; J->loopref = 0; J->bc_min = NULL; /* Means no limit. */ J->bc_extent = ~(MSize)0; /* Emit instructions for fixed references. Also triggers initial IR alloc. */ emitir_raw(IRT(IR_BASE, IRT_PTR), J->parent, J->exitno); for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) { IRIns *ir = IR(REF_NIL-i); ir->i = 0; ir->t.irt = (uint8_t)(IRT_NIL+i); ir->o = IR_KPRI; ir->prev = 0; } J->cur.nk = REF_TRUE; J->startpc = J->pc; if (J->parent) { /* Side trace. */ GCtrace *T = traceref(J, J->parent); TraceNo root = T->root ? T->root : J->parent; J->cur.root = (uint16_t)root; J->cur.startins = BCINS_AD(BC_JMP, 0, 0); /* Check whether we could at least potentially form an extra loop. */ if (J->exitno == 0 && T->snap[0].nent == 0) { /* We can narrow a FORL for some side traces, too. */ if (J->pc > proto_bc(J->pt) && bc_op(J->pc[-1]) == BC_JFORI && bc_d(J->pc[bc_j(J->pc[-1])-1]) == root) { lj_snap_add(J); rec_setup_forl(J, J->pc-1); goto sidecheck; } } else { J->startpc = NULL; /* Prevent forming an extra loop. */ } rec_setup_side(J, T); sidecheck: if (traceref(J, J->cur.root)->nchild >= J->param[JIT_P_maxside] || T->snap[J->exitno].count >= J->param[JIT_P_hotexit] + J->param[JIT_P_tryside]) rec_stop(J, TRACE_INTERP); } else { /* Root trace. */ J->cur.root = 0; J->cur.startins = *J->pc; J->pc = rec_setup_root(J); /* Note: the loop instruction itself is recorded at the end and not ** at the start! So snapshot #0 needs to point to the *next* instruction. */ lj_snap_add(J); if (bc_op(J->cur.startins) == BC_FORL) rec_setup_forl(J, J->pc-1); if (1 + J->pt->framesize >= LJ_MAX_JSLOTS) lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_STACKOV); } } #undef IR #undef emitir_raw #undef emitir #endif