@rem Script to build LuaJIT with NintendoSDK + NX Addon. @rem Donated to the public domain by Swyter. @rem @rem To run this script you must open a "Native Tools Command Prompt for VS". @rem @rem Either the x86 version for NX32, or x64 for the NX64 target. @rem This is because the pointer size of the LuaJIT host tools (buildvm.exe) @rem must match the cross-compiled target (32 or 64 bits). @rem @rem Then cd to this directory and run this script. @rem @rem Recommended invocation: @rem @rem nxbuild # release build, amalgamated @rem nxbuild debug # debug build, amalgamated @rem @rem Additional command-line options (not generally recommended): @rem @rem noamalg # (after debug) non-amalgamated build @if not defined INCLUDE goto :FAIL @if not defined NINTENDO_SDK_ROOT goto :FAIL @if not defined PLATFORM goto :FAIL @if "%platform%" == "x86" goto :DO_NX32 @if "%platform%" == "x64" goto :DO_NX64 @echo Error: Current host platform is %platform%! @echo. @goto :FAIL @setlocal :DO_NX32 @set DASC=vm_arm.dasc @set DASMFLAGS= -D HFABI -D FPU @set DASMTARGET= -D LUAJIT_TARGET=LUAJIT_ARCH_ARM @set HOST_PTR_SIZE=4 goto :BEGIN :DO_NX64 @set DASC=vm_arm64.dasc @set DASMFLAGS= -D ENDIAN_LE @set DASMTARGET= -D LUAJIT_TARGET=LUAJIT_ARCH_ARM64 @set HOST_PTR_SIZE=8 :BEGIN @rem ---- Host compiler ---- @set LJCOMPILE=cl /nologo /c /MD /O2 /W3 /wo4146 /wo4244 /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE @set LJLINK=link /nologo @set LJMT=mt /nologo @set DASMDIR=..\dynasm @set DASM=%DASMDIR%\dynasm.lua @set ALL_LIB=lib_base.c lib_math.c lib_bit.c lib_string.c lib_table.c lib_io.c lib_os.c lib_package.c lib_debug.c lib_jit.c lib_ffi.c lib_buffer.c %LJCOMPILE% host\minilua.c @if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD %LJLINK% /out:minilua.exe minilua.obj @if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD if exist minilua.exe.manifest^ %LJMT% -manifest minilua.exe.manifest -outputresource:minilua.exe @rem Check that we have the right 32/64 bit host compiler to generate the right virtual machine files. @minilua @if "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "%HOST_PTR_SIZE%" goto :PASSED_PTR_CHECK @echo The pointer size of the host in bytes (%HOST_PTR_SIZE%) does not match the expected value (%errorlevel%). @echo Check that the script is being ran under the correct x86/x64 VS prompt. @goto :BAD :PASSED_PTR_CHECK @set DASMFLAGS=%DASMFLAGS% %DASMTARGET% -D LJ_TARGET_NX -D LUAJIT_OS=LUAJIT_OS_OTHER -D LUAJIT_DISABLE_JIT -D LUAJIT_DISABLE_FFI minilua %DASM% -LN %DASMFLAGS% -o host\buildvm_arch.h %DASC% @if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD git show -s --format=%%ct >luajit_relver.txt minilua host\genversion.lua %LJCOMPILE% /I "." /I %DASMDIR% %DASMTARGET% -D LJ_TARGET_NX -DLUAJIT_OS=LUAJIT_OS_OTHER -DLUAJIT_DISABLE_JIT -DLUAJIT_DISABLE_FFI host\buildvm*.c @if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD %LJLINK% /out:buildvm.exe buildvm*.obj @if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD if exist buildvm.exe.manifest^ %LJMT% -manifest buildvm.exe.manifest -outputresource:buildvm.exe buildvm -m elfasm -o lj_vm.s @if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD buildvm -m bcdef -o lj_bcdef.h %ALL_LIB% @if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD buildvm -m ffdef -o lj_ffdef.h %ALL_LIB% @if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD buildvm -m libdef -o lj_libdef.h %ALL_LIB% @if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD buildvm -m recdef -o lj_recdef.h %ALL_LIB% @if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD buildvm -m vmdef -o jit\vmdef.lua %ALL_LIB% @if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD buildvm -m folddef -o lj_folddef.h lj_opt_fold.c @if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD @rem ---- Cross compiler ---- @if "%platform%" neq "x64" goto :NX32_CROSSBUILD @set LJCOMPILE="%NINTENDO_SDK_ROOT%\Compilers\NX\nx\aarch64\bin\clang" -Wall -I%NINTENDO_SDK_ROOT%\Include %DASMTARGET% -DLUAJIT_OS=LUAJIT_OS_OTHER -DLUAJIT_DISABLE_JIT -DLUAJIT_DISABLE_FFI -DLUAJIT_USE_SYSMALLOC -c @set LJLIB="%NINTENDO_SDK_ROOT%\Compilers\NX\nx\aarch64\bin\aarch64-nintendo-nx-elf-ar" rc @set TARGETLIB_SUFFIX=nx64 %NINTENDO_SDK_ROOT%\Compilers\NX\nx\aarch64\bin\aarch64-nintendo-nx-elf-as -o lj_vm.o lj_vm.s goto :DEBUGCHECK :NX32_CROSSBUILD @set LJCOMPILE="%NINTENDO_SDK_ROOT%\Compilers\NX\nx\armv7l\bin\clang" -Wall -I%NINTENDO_SDK_ROOT%\Include %DASMTARGET% -DLUAJIT_OS=LUAJIT_OS_OTHER -DLUAJIT_DISABLE_JIT -DLUAJIT_DISABLE_FFI -DLUAJIT_USE_SYSMALLOC -c @set LJLIB="%NINTENDO_SDK_ROOT%\Compilers\NX\nx\armv7l\bin\armv7l-nintendo-nx-eabihf-ar" rc @set TARGETLIB_SUFFIX=nx32 %NINTENDO_SDK_ROOT%\Compilers\NX\nx\armv7l\bin\armv7l-nintendo-nx-eabihf-as -o lj_vm.o lj_vm.s :DEBUGCHECK @if "%1" neq "debug" goto :NODEBUG @shift @set LJCOMPILE=%LJCOMPILE% -DNN_SDK_BUILD_DEBUG -g -O0 @set TARGETLIB=libluajitD_%TARGETLIB_SUFFIX%.a goto :BUILD :NODEBUG @set LJCOMPILE=%LJCOMPILE% -DNN_SDK_BUILD_RELEASE -O3 @set TARGETLIB=libluajit_%TARGETLIB_SUFFIX%.a :BUILD del %TARGETLIB% @set LJCOMPILE=%LJCOMPILE% -fPIC @if "%1" neq "noamalg" goto :AMALG for %%f in (lj_*.c lib_*.c) do ( %LJCOMPILE% %%f @if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD ) %LJLIB% %TARGETLIB% lj_*.o lib_*.o @if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD @goto :NOAMALG :AMALG %LJCOMPILE% ljamalg.c @if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD %LJLIB% %TARGETLIB% ljamalg.o lj_vm.o @if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD :NOAMALG @del *.o *.obj *.manifest minilua.exe buildvm.exe @echo. @echo === Successfully built LuaJIT for Nintendo Switch (%TARGETLIB_SUFFIX%) === @goto :END :BAD @echo. @echo ******************************************************* @echo *** Build FAILED -- Please check the error messages *** @echo ******************************************************* @goto :END :FAIL @echo To run this script you must open a "Native Tools Command Prompt for VS". @echo. @echo Either the x86 version for NX32, or x64 for the NX64 target. @echo This is because the pointer size of the LuaJIT host tools (buildvm.exe) @echo must match the cross-compiled target (32 or 64 bits). @echo. @echo Keep in mind that NintendoSDK + NX Addon must be installed, too. :END