@rem Script to build LuaJIT with MSVC. @rem Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Mike Pall. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h @rem @rem Either open a "Visual Studio .NET Command Prompt" @rem (Note that the Express Edition does not contain an x64 compiler) @rem -or- @rem Open a "Windows SDK Command Shell" and set the compiler environment: @rem setenv /release /x86 @rem -or- @rem setenv /release /x64 @rem @rem Then cd to this directory and run this script. @if not defined INCLUDE goto :FAIL @setlocal @set LJCOMPILE=cl /nologo /c /MD /O2 /W3 /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE @set LJLINK=link /nologo @set LJMT=mt /nologo @set LJLIB=lib /nologo @set DASMDIR=..\dynasm @set DASM=lua %DASMDIR%\dynasm.lua @set ALL_LIB=lib_base.c lib_math.c lib_bit.c lib_string.c lib_table.c lib_io.c lib_os.c lib_package.c lib_debug.c lib_jit.c lib_ffi.c if not exist buildvm_x86.h^ %DASM% -LN -o buildvm_x86.h buildvm_x86.dasc if not exist buildvm_x64win.h^ %DASM% -LN -D X64 -D X64WIN -o buildvm_x64win.h buildvm_x86.dasc %LJCOMPILE% /I "." /I %DASMDIR% buildvm*.c %LJLINK% /out:buildvm.exe buildvm*.obj if exist buildvm.exe.manifest^ %LJMT% -manifest buildvm.exe.manifest -outputresource:buildvm.exe buildvm -m peobj -o lj_vm.obj buildvm -m bcdef -o lj_bcdef.h %ALL_LIB% buildvm -m ffdef -o lj_ffdef.h %ALL_LIB% buildvm -m libdef -o lj_libdef.h %ALL_LIB% buildvm -m recdef -o lj_recdef.h %ALL_LIB% buildvm -m vmdef -o ..\lib\vmdef.lua %ALL_LIB% buildvm -m folddef -o lj_folddef.h lj_opt_fold.c @if "%1"=="amalg" goto :AMALGDLL @if "%1"=="static" goto :STATIC %LJCOMPILE% /DLUA_BUILD_AS_DLL lj_*.c lib_*.c %LJLINK% /DLL /out:lua51.dll lj_*.obj lib_*.obj @goto :MTDLL :STATIC %LJCOMPILE% /DLUA_BUILD_AS_DLL lj_*.c lib_*.c %LJLIB% /OUT:lua51.lib lj_*.obj lib_*.obj @goto :MTDLL :AMALGDLL %LJCOMPILE% /DLUA_BUILD_AS_DLL ljamalg.c %LJLINK% /DLL /out:lua51.dll ljamalg.obj lj_vm.obj :MTDLL if exist lua51.dll.manifest^ %LJMT% -manifest lua51.dll.manifest -outputresource:lua51.dll;2 %LJCOMPILE% luajit.c %LJLINK% /out:luajit.exe luajit.obj lua51.lib if exist luajit.exe.manifest^ %LJMT% -manifest luajit.exe.manifest -outputresource:luajit.exe del *.obj *.manifest buildvm.exe @goto :END :FAIL @echo You must open a "Visual Studio .NET Command Prompt" to run this script :END