PPC: Add bit.* fast functions.

This commit is contained in:
Mike Pall 2010-09-30 02:56:54 +02:00
parent 408cd055a4
commit 4afff973a4

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@ -140,6 +140,8 @@
|// These basic macros should really be part of DynASM.
|.macro srwi, rx, ry, n; rlwinm rx, ry, 32-n, n, 31; .endmacro
|.macro slwi, rx, ry, n; rlwinm rx, ry, n, 0, 31-n; .endmacro
|.macro rotlwi, rx, ry, n; rlwinm rx, ry, n, 0, 31; .endmacro
|.macro rotlw, rx, ry, rn; rlwnm rx, ry, rn, 0, 31; .endmacro
|.macro subi, rx, ry, i; addi rx, ry, -i; .endmacro
|// Trap for not-yet-implemented parts.
@ -1103,45 +1105,66 @@ static void build_subroutines(BuildCtx *ctx)
|//-- Bit library --------------------------------------------------------
|.ffunc_n bit_tobit
|.macro .ffunc_bit, name
| .ffunc_n name
| .ffunc_n bit_..name
| efdadd CARG1, CARG1, TOBIT
|.ffunc_bit tobit
| efdcfsi CRET1, CARG1
| b ->fff_restv
|.macro .ffunc_bit_op, name, ins
| .ffunc_bit name
| li TMP1, 8
| evlddx CARG2, BASE, TMP1
| cmplw cr1, TMP1, NARGS8:RC
| checknum CARG2
| bge cr1, ->fff_resbit
| checkfail ->fff_fallback
| efdadd CARG2, CARG2, TOBIT
| ins CARG1, CARG1, CARG2
| addi TMP1, TMP1, 8
| b <1
|.ffunc_bit_op bit_band, and
|.ffunc_bit_op bit_bor, or
|.ffunc_bit_op bit_bxor, xor
|.ffunc_bit_op band, and
|.ffunc_bit_op bor, or
|.ffunc_bit_op bxor, xor
|.ffunc_bit bit_bswap
|.ffunc_bit bswap
| rotlwi TMP0, CARG1, 8
| rlwimi TMP0, CARG1, 24, 0, 7
| rlwimi TMP0, CARG1, 24, 16, 23
| efdcfsi CRET1, TMP0
| b ->fff_restv
|.ffunc_bit bit_bnot
|.ffunc_bit bnot
| not TMP0, CARG1
| efdcfsi CRET1, TMP0
| b ->fff_restv
|.macro .ffunc_bit_sh, name, ins
| .ffunc_nn name
|.macro .ffunc_bit_sh, name, ins, shmod
| .ffunc_nn bit_..name
| efdadd CARG2, CARG2, TOBIT
| efdadd CARG1, CARG1, TOBIT
|.if shmod == 1
| rlwinm CARG2, CARG2, 0, 27, 31
|.elif shmod == 2
| neg CARG2, CARG2
| ins TMP0, CARG1, CARG2
| efdcfsi CRET1, TMP0
| b ->fff_restv
|.ffunc_bit_sh bit_lshift, shl
|.ffunc_bit_sh bit_rshift, shr
|.ffunc_bit_sh bit_arshift, sar
|.ffunc_bit_sh bit_rol, rol
|.ffunc_bit_sh bit_ror, ror
|.ffunc_bit_sh lshift, slw, 1
|.ffunc_bit_sh rshift, srw, 1
|.ffunc_bit_sh arshift, sraw, 1
|.ffunc_bit_sh rol, rotlw, 0
|.ffunc_bit_sh ror, rotlw, 2