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@rem Script to build LuaJIT with the PS Vita SDK.
@rem Donated to the public domain.
@rem Open a "Visual Studio .NET Command Prompt" (32 bit host compiler)
@rem Then cd to this directory and run this script.
@if not defined INCLUDE goto :FAIL
@if not defined SCE_PSP2_SDK_DIR goto :FAIL
@rem ---- Host compiler ----
@set LJLINK=link /nologo
@set LJMT=mt /nologo
@set DASMDIR=..\dynasm
@set DASM=%DASMDIR%\dynasm.lua
@set ALL_LIB=lib_base.c lib_math.c lib_bit.c lib_string.c lib_table.c lib_io.c lib_os.c lib_package.c lib_debug.c lib_jit.c lib_ffi.c
%LJCOMPILE% host\minilua.c
@if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD
%LJLINK% /out:minilua.exe minilua.obj
@if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD
if exist minilua.exe.manifest^
%LJMT% -manifest minilua.exe.manifest -outputresource:minilua.exe
@rem Check for 32 bit host compiler.
@if errorlevel 8 goto :FAIL
minilua %DASM% -LN %DASMFLAGS% -o host\buildvm_arch.h vm_arm.dasc
@if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD
git show -s --format=%ct >luajit_relver.txt
minilua host\genversion.lua
@if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD
%LJLINK% /out:buildvm.exe buildvm*.obj
@if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD
if exist buildvm.exe.manifest^
%LJMT% -manifest buildvm.exe.manifest -outputresource:buildvm.exe
buildvm -m elfasm -o lj_vm.s
@if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD
buildvm -m bcdef -o lj_bcdef.h %ALL_LIB%
@if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD
buildvm -m ffdef -o lj_ffdef.h %ALL_LIB%
@if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD
buildvm -m libdef -o lj_libdef.h %ALL_LIB%
@if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD
buildvm -m recdef -o lj_recdef.h %ALL_LIB%
@if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD
buildvm -m vmdef -o jit\vmdef.lua %ALL_LIB%
@if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD
buildvm -m folddef -o lj_folddef.h lj_opt_fold.c
@if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD
@rem ---- Cross compiler ----
@set LJCOMPILE="%SCE_PSP2_SDK_DIR%\host_tools\build\bin\psp2snc" -c -w -DLUAJIT_DISABLE_FFI -DLUAJIT_USE_SYSMALLOC
@set LJLIB="%SCE_PSP2_SDK_DIR%\host_tools\build\bin\psp2ld32" -r --output=
@set INCLUDE=""
"%SCE_PSP2_SDK_DIR%\host_tools\build\bin\psp2as" -o lj_vm.o lj_vm.s
@if "%1" neq "debug" goto :NODEBUG
@set TARGETLIB=libluajitD.a
goto :BUILD
@set TARGETLIB=libluajit.a
%LJCOMPILE% ljamalg.c
@if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD
%LJLIB%%TARGETLIB% ljamalg.o lj_vm.o
@if errorlevel 1 goto :BAD
@del *.o *.obj *.manifest minilua.exe buildvm.exe
@echo === Successfully built LuaJIT for PS Vita ===
@goto :END
@echo *******************************************************
@echo *** Build FAILED -- Please check the error messages ***
@echo *******************************************************
@goto :END
@echo To run this script you must open a "Visual Studio .NET Command Prompt"
@echo (32 bit host compiler). The PS Vita SDK must be installed, too.